- Glendale Unified School District - Glendale, California USA
- Student Assessment
Innovation, Instruction, Assessment & Accountability
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Information for Students & Families
The ELPAC assessment replaces the CELDT starting the 2017-18 academic year. Information about the ELPAC can be found here.
The ELPAC Overview video provides general information about the ELPAC, including: laws and regulations guiding the ELPAC, purposes of the ELPAC, elements of the ELPAC, how the ELPAC is administered, and available tools, supports, and resources.
ELPAC Overview Video: English (Video; 16:06)
ELPAC Overview Video: Spanish (Video; 18:28)The Summative ELPAC Student Score Report Video shows examples of the Summative ELPAC Student Score Report along with explanations of the information on the report.
Summative ELPAC Student Score Report Video: English (Video; 6:58)
Summative ELPAC Student Score Report Video: Spanish (Video; 8:42)The Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents video provides information about the Initial ELPAC including its purpose, an explanation of who takes the test, and a description of how parents and guardians will be notified of their child’s results.
Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents Video: English (Video; 5:51)
Introduction to Initial ELPAC for Parents Video: Spanish (Video; 7:08)CAASPP
Information about CAASPP can be found here. Sample CAASPP questions can be found here and practice tests can be found here.
Starting 2018-19, CAASPP score reports will be available through the Parent Portal. Directions for accessing the score reports can be found here and sample score reports are here. In addition, our Q Student Information System houses raw score data:
AL: achievement level (4 = Standard Exceeded, 3 = Standard Met, 2 = Standard Nearly Met, 1 = Standard Not Met)
PL: proficiency level (3 = Above Standard, 2 = At/Near Standard, 1 = Below Standard)
SS: scale score (score range information can be found here)
More information on i-Ready
A video of the GUSD i-Ready Parent Webinar can be accessed using this link. This 30-minute video introduces the i-Ready program and answers several questions posed by parents.
Several i-Ready resources for parents can be found here. You can also watch the introductory videos available on i-Ready’s support site.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
What is it? The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM®. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. More information on the test, including components, can be found here.
Who takes it? 5th, 7th and 9th graders
Where can I find results? Results can be found here.