Inappropriate Student Behavior Outside the Classroom

  • Consequences for students not following school rules outside the classroom include, but are not limited to:

    • Loss of recess privileges.
    • Phone call home.
    • Assignment of a Yellow or Red Card
    • Teacher conference with student.
    • Assistant Principal/Principal conference with student.
    • Assistant Principal/Principal conference with parent and student.
    • Campus clean-up under the supervision of custodian.
    • Saturday School (in lieu of suspension).
    • Suspension


    Grades K - 3:       Time frame is over one trimester 
    Grades 4 - 6:       Time frame is over one year

    If a student violates a school rule outside of the classroom, the yard duty or noon aide will give him/her a “Yellow Card.”  The yellow card will be sent to the homeroom teacher who will then assign an appropriate consequence.

    For repeated or more serious infractions, students will be given a “Red Card” and will receive detention. Parents will be notified a day in advance of the detention dates.  Students in grades 1-3 will be given a “clean slate” at the beginning of each trimester.  Violations for upper grade students will continue to accrue throughout the school year.  All students receive a “clean slate” at the beginning of each academic year. 

    First Violation = one detention period

    • 10 minutes during morning break = primary grades
    • 15 minutes after school = upper grades
    • Violation slip sent home for parent signature.

    Second Violation = two consecutive detention periods

    • Violation slip sent home for parent signature.

    Third Violation = three consecutive detention periods

    • Violation slip sent home for parent signature along with the signature of principal/designee.
    • Teacher - Parent conference by phone the same day.

    Fourth Violation = one week of detention periods

    • Violation slip sent home for parent signature along with the signature of principal/designee.
    • Teacher - Parent conference will be held within the week, which may, if appropriate, include the principal/designee.