Parent Involvement
John Muir's Parent and Family Engagement Policy:
Parent and Family Engagement Policy: English
Parent and Family Engagement Policy: Armenian
Parent and Family Engagement Policy: Spanish
Parent Conferences:
A parent may request a conference with the teacher by calling the school and leaving a message for the teacher. Parents may also email their child's teacher directly. Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers hold parent conferences at the end of the first trimester.
Parent Visitors:
All visitors and volunteers are required to check in at the school office when arriving on campus between the hours of 7:30a.m.- 4:00p.m. A visitor’s pass must be clearly displayed and worn at all times while on campus. Please make an appointment with the teacher and the principal to visit a classroom for up to 20 minutes. Visitors may be accompanied by a staff person while observing/visiting.
Parent Volunteers:
All parents are welcome to become volunteers at Muir. There are a variety of ways in which parents can assist the school. A brief training is offered to parents in which they will learn the basics, i.e. how to use copy machines, where to find supplies, etc. Volunteers are asked to check in at the office when arriving on campus. They will be given a visitor's pass which is to be clearly displayed while on campus. A current TB result must be on file at the school before a volunteer can begin working with students. John Muir Elementary encourages volunteers to be an active part in the school. Volunteers help in classrooms, the library, and work directly with children. Please note that not all teachers use classroom volunteers and it is their choice to decide if they would like to have parents volunteering in the classroom. Please contact the school office for more information. If your child’s teacher does not have the need for volunteers, we can utilize your support in other areas of the school. Please contact the school’s office for more information.
Daytime Classroom Visits/Classroom Interruptions:
In fairness to the students and their educational program, classroom interruptions will be kept at a minimum. All arrangements should be made before the child leaves home in the morning. Therefore, unless there is a dire emergency, the office will NOT relay a message to your child. Please plan ahead and let your child know where he or she is to go after school if there is a change of plans. Students are responsible for bringing their homework, instruments and library books with them in the morning. Lunches or lunch money brought in late by parents may be left in the office for students to pick up at lunchtime. This is an important lesson for them to learn. The only acceptable classroom interruption is when you are taking your child home early for the day and the office has to call them from the classroom.
Back to School Night:
This is an event during the first month of school where parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and to learn about the classroom program for the coming year. This night is intended for parents only.
Open House:
This is a special evening that occurs in the third trimester of school for students to accompany their families on a visit to their classrooms. It gives the children an opportunity to explain what they have learned and to display examples of their schoolwork.