Mission Statement

  • The John Muir Elementary School staff, in collaboration with students, families, and the community provides a nurturing and safe learning environment and prepares students for the demands of the ever-changing future. Our students achieve academic excellence through collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity to become real-world problem solvers.

    Instructional Focus:

    John Muir's students will persevere in mathematics.  They will make sense of the problem and solve it by explaining their reasoning using visuals, numbers, and math language. 
    Bold Steps & Best Practices:
    • Implementation of i-Ready assessments (3 times a year to monitor progress) and i-Ready Common Core curriculum.
    • Implement Common Core State Standards school wide; with the implementation of the four Cs (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration). 
    • Utilize the eight CCSS Mathematical Practices.
    • Continue with school-wide implementation of Response to Intervention Program (RTI).
    • Increasing technology and digital literacy.