Arrival & Dismissal Policy Elementary Schools
Students are not allowed on campus before 7:40 AM, (8:40 on Wednesdays). Morning supervision does not begin until 7:40 AM MTThF & 8:40 AM Wednesdays. There is no supervision before 7:40 AM on MTThF & 8:40 on Wednesdays!
Do not drop off your child on campus before 7:40 AM, 8:40 on Wednesdays. This is not safe! Call the CDCC Office at (818) 241-7562 if before/after school childcare is needed.
Students must be picked up at dismissal time.
Wednesedays are banking days. On Wednesdays only, our gates open at 8:40am. There is no supervision before 8:40am on Wednesdays.
If students have not been picked up by the time the office closes for the day Glendale Police Department will be contacted to pick up your child. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring your child's safety before and after school hours.
GUSD Arrival & Dismissal Policy (English and Spanish)
District Arrival and Dismissal Elementary ENG and Spanish.pdf 115.67 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2019) -
GUSD Arrival & Dismissal Policy (English and Armenian)
District Arrival and Dismissal Elementary ENG and Armenian.pdf 155.11 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2019) -
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Student safety is something we take very seriously.