Nutrition Services
Breakfast is served on Wednesday morning from 8:35am. and on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7:35am. The cost of breakfast is $1.25. This is a great way to ensure that students have a healthy meal before instruction begins.
Students may bring their lunch to school or purchase a lunch in the school cafeteria. It is important to your child’s growth and development to eat a nutritious lunch. Please do not include candy or soft drinks in your student’s sack lunch. Chips and other fatty items should be limited. The good eating habits your child develops now will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
The cost of a full lunch, including milk is $2.60. For students who bring a sack lunch, milk or juice may be purchased separately for $.50.
Glendale Unified School District participates in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program. Children from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible for free meals or reduced price meals.
It is our policy that all children should eat lunch daily.
*ALERT: Classes will not be interrupted in order to call children to the office to retrieve late lunches.