Ms. Tavener
6th Grade English/Social Studies/Elective Wheel
email: jtavener@gusd.net
phone: 818-244-8414
website: www.gusd.net/toll and www.gusd.net/tavener
Welcome! This year promises to be full of challenges, growth, and opportunity. It is my desire that this 6th grade year is successful and memorable. To that end, please read through the following to familiarize yourself with some important information.
Students will write homework assignments and due dates in their binder reminder or student planner. Students and parents should be checking Student Portal and Parent Portal on a regular basis to be aware of current grades and missing work. Missing work receives zero points until it is turned in. Once it is turned in, the work will be graded without a late penalty. Also, students are encouraged to redo assignments that do not receive full credit in order to increase their learning and improve their score. Assignments may be redone as many times as it takes to reach the full score! After all, learning is our #1 goal!!
Students will be given multiple opportunities during lessons to deepen their understanding of the topics we will study. Students who desire to improve a score on a test or quiz are encouraged to study the material again and then come to an after-school test correction day. One opportunity for improvement will be given for multiple-choice questions. Endless opportunities will be given for questions requiring written responses.
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
56-69% D
56% and below F
Extra Credit work is never an option!
Homework and classwork should always be made up after an absence. Students will be given a form indicating assignments given, due dates, and assignments collected when they return to school. Assignments are expected to be completed even when absent.
* have all appropriate materials and supplies at your desk when you arrive. You need to have a fully charged chromebook too!
* respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of the classroom
* adjust your voice level to suit the activity
* enter the classroom quietly and be aware of when it is time to listen vs. when it is time to talk
* restroom and water breaks are before and after school, and during passing period, snack and lunch - not during class time
* observe all Toll Middle School rules
Please note: Food is not allowed in the classroom. Gum is not allowed on campus.
Your child is welcome to use my classroom phone or the office phone should they need to contact you. They may not use their own phone unless given permission by an adult on campus. If you need to get a message to your child, please call the school office. We have a great system in place just for that purpose. Your child will be tracked down quickly and given the message.
Student phones must be turned OFF and stored in a backpack (not a pocket) as soon as the first period bell rings. Phones are to remain OFF until the end of the day. Please consult the Binder Reminder for the consequences for improper phone usage.
Students who are disruptive in class take away from their own learning as well as the learning of other students. This type of behavior is not tolerated. Please note the consequences for disturbances and/or not following the rules of the classroom.
1. Personal warning
2. Seat Change (if applicable)
3. Trash pick-up at lunch
4. Phone call home
5. Office referral
6. (If a student does not comply, we go to #5 immediately