Become a Room Rep! Room Reps help organize class events and activities and create classroom directories.
- Help assemble and distribute Thursday Folder on Wednesday morning at school (or as agreed upon by Rep and Teacher). Get a back up parent to help, if you are not available one week.
- Administer Google group site for your class. Invite all new members to group, manage the class calendar.
- Act as a liaison with the teacher on her/his wish list needs and any direct information the teacher has for parents.
- Encourage families to go paperless by collecting a valid email address for each family so that an electronic Thursday Folder can be sent home.
- Maintain a class roster and continue to gather information updates, new students, phone changes, email changes. Send updates to Room Rep Coordinator.
- Coordinate volunteers and special projects, per the teacher’s request.
If you’re interested in becoming a Room Rep contact Suzanne Lang.
Video List How to Clean The Classroom Air Filters