• In accordance with our mission to provide academic enrichment, BFEF currently funds music enrichment for students. Each grade level gets a rotation, based on BFEF's budget, teacher input, and instructional time. 
    Starting in 4th grade, the Glendale Unified School District funds orchestra for any interested students. All GUSD middle and high schools offer music and art electives. Our FLAG teachers also use music and art regularly in their lessons.
    BFEF-funded music teachers come in approximately once a week for 30 minutes to work with our children and teach them skills aligned with the grade level California State Standards for Music: rhythm, harmony, sight reading, genres of music, and the basics of how to play an instrument (usually percussion in lower elementary grades and a recorder in middle grades). 
    Music teachers may arrange concerts in the winter and/or spring for students to perform for their families during the school day.