Chromebook Care and Maintenance
Protecting Your Chromebook:
- Chromebook should remain in the provided protective case when not in use. It should not be in a place where someone could accidentally sit or step on it.
- When carrying the Chromebook to and from school campus, it is expected that the device be in the provided protective case and will be placed in a backpack, bag, or other carrying case.
- A Chromebook in a backpack cannot bear excessive weight, so please be aware when setting your backpack down that the chromebook is on top of all books and folders.
- Chromebook should be kept at room temperature and should NOT be exposed to extremes of hot or cold. Do not leave the Chromebook in an automobile or outside.
- Do not lean on the top of the Chromebook when it is closed or place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens or pencils, etc.)
- Chromebook should NEVER be picked up by the lid. Students should close the chromebook before it is picked up.
- Liquids and food should not be used/consumed in the vicinity of the Chromebook.
Cleaning Your Chromebook:
- Cleaners, sprays, alcohol, ammonia or abrasives should not be on the Chromebook.
- Chromebook should be cleaned with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Powering Your Chromebook:
- Chromebooks are required to be fully charged when you arrive at school each day.
- When charging, be sure to place the Chromebook in an area that will prevent people from tripping over the power cord. This could injure the person and/or damage the Chromebook.
- Determine a consistent place and time to charge your Chromebook at home.
- Dim the screen to the lowest comfortable level to achieve maximum battery life.
- Turn off Bluetooth to maximize your battery life.
Other Important Reminders:
- Do not add any stickers or any other decorative items that would alter the appearance of the Chromebook or protective case from when you received it.
- Do not tamper with school/district tags that are present on the Chromebook.
- Never leave the Chromebook unattended.
- If your Chromebook is damaged or lost, immediately notify an adult.