Logging Into Clever
Posted by Glenoaks Elementary on 3/27/2020Click the link below for assistance logging into Clever:
Once there, you have two options.
Options:Option 1: (Clever Badge QR codes are only for students in TK, Kinder, First, Second and Third Grade. Coming soon, Badges will also be available for students with IEP's.Option 2: Google Username and Password, which is available to all grade levels.Directions:Option1): login in with CLEVER BADGE QR codes (the square barcodes). This is for students from Kinder to Third Grade. Click on Clever Badge Log In and your Chromebook/Computer camera will turn on. Scan QR code in front of camera. Once approved with a green check mark, you will be redirected to Clever.(Example of a QR code)
2) You can also login in with Google Username and Password. Password ends with __________@stu.gusd.net; Username is gusd_________! This will take you to Clever as well. -
Connecting Chromebook To Wi-Fi
Posted by Glenoaks Elementary on 3/27/2020