Ideas for Interactive Science Notebooks
What could go on the Creative Side?
- Writing prompts
- Foldables
- Mini quizzes w/ answers
- Drawings
- Diagrams / Charts
- Cartoons
- Puzzles with answers
- Pictures - hand drawn or printed from the computer
- Riddles / Games
- Brainstorming
- Poems / Songs / Raps
- Concept maps
- Experiment results
- Venn diagrams
- Clip art
Requirements for Interactive Science Notebook
- Explanations for all pictures
- Quality content that makes sense
- Creative pages complete
- Product is neatly done and organized
- Product is colorful
- Product shows creativity
- Note pages complete and organized
- Completed on time
Clarifications for Interactive Science Notebook Requirements
- Note pages – dates, highlighting / underlining, legible, complete, bullet points, written out (not copy and paste from teacher)
- Post-it size areas of at least 3 colors
- Variety of activities – cannot be repeated within unit
- All creative pages must be attached in ISN
- Post-it notes / flips are not creative
- Puzzles (crossword puzzles) must use definitions
- Extra paper must be filled
- All post-it sized space must be filled
- Title should fit in top margin
- Quality content - every creative page must have at least 8 different facts
Diamante Rules
Adjective, Adjective
Verb, Verb, Verb
Noun, Noun, Noun, Noun
Verb, Verb, Verb
Adjective, Adjective
Gentle, Sleepy
Purring, Meowing, Scratching
Whiskers, Fur, Collar, Leash
Barking, Licking, Digging
Slobbery, Playful