Physical Fitness Testing
The fitness you will be tested in falls into six areas, with multiple tests per area. They are:
- Aerobic Capacity
- PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
- One-Mile Run
- Walk Test (only for ages 13 or older)
- Abdominal Strength and Endurance
- Curl-up
- Upper Body Strength and Endurance
- Push-up
- Modified Pull-up
- Flexed-Arm Hang
- Body Composition
- Skinfold Measurements
- Body Mass Index
- Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer
- Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
- Trunk Lift
- Flexibility
- Back-Saver Sit and Reach
- Shoulder Stretch
Aerobic Capacity
- PACER test
- We will perform the PACER test multiple times throughout the school year.
- There will be two sets of cones set up 20 meters apart from one another, usually accompanied by a line.
- In the gym, it is slightly less than one full length of the basketball court.
- Outside it is the width of roughly two volleyball courts or the length of one outdoor basketball court.
- The test starts with a beep, then you run 20 meters.
- This will continue until you cannot run anymore.
- The beeps will get progressively faster the longer you run.
- One-Mile Run
- The mile run takes place on either the basketball courts or the field.
- On the field, it is slightly more than four laps.
- On the basketball court, it is exactly ten laps.
- Pacing is crucial to your success. Do not sprint and then walk, and repeat this process. Find a slower pace and maintain it, rather than starting and stopping.
- If you stop to walk, have a plan or strategy to start running again. Count a specific number of steps or a specific distance rather than simply when you feel good again.
- VIDEO: Run
- The mile run takes place on either the basketball courts or the field.
- Walk Test
- The walk test is rarely used; however, it measures how much you walk during a 20 minute period.
- This test is usually reserved for students with an accommodation or injury.
- If you are older than 13, this test is not valid and cannot be used.
- VIDEO: Test
Abdominal Strength and Endurance
- Curl-Up Test
- The student will lie on their back.
- Their head will make contact with the mat.
- Place your arms at your side, palms on the floor.
- Your legs will be bent, with your feet flat on the ground.
- Follow the cadence.
- Stay on cadence, going up and down only when told to. There is a slight pause at the top of the curl-up.
Upper Body Strength and Endurance
- Push-up
- Start position is with your hands beneath your shoulders, feet behind you.
- Your body should be in a straight line from your shoulders to your hips to your feet.
- Your arms should be in a straight line from your hands to your elbows to your shoulders.
- Follow the cadence.
- Stay on cadence, going up and down only when told to. There is a slight pause at the bottom of the push-up.
- Your arms must go down to 90* at the bottom.
- Flexed Arm Hang
- The equipment is a pull-up bar.
- You will jump up, both hands on the bar, and keep your chin above the bar.
- The goal is to hang on to the bar for as long as possible while keeping your chin above the bar, without touching it.
Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
- Trunk Lift
- This is the only test we use for this component.
- Students will lie on their stomach with their face towards the mat.
- They will tuck their hands under their legs, with their palms on their thighs.
- The goal is to lift your chin up as high as possible without moving your feet off of the mat, or your hands from under your legs.
- The distance is measured from the mat to your chin.
- Back-Saver Sit and Reach
- This test is used to test the flexibility of the legs.
- Students will sit down with the measuring devise in front of them.
- Students will be tested on each leg separately.
- This test is for lower body flexibility
- Shoulder stretch
- This test is used for the flexibility of the shoulders and arms.
- Students will stand and place one hand behind their back, bent upwards towards their shoulders. The palm will be facing out.
- They will use their opposite arm to reach up and try to reach down to grab onto, or touch, their opposite hand.
- This test is for upper body flexibility.
Body Composition
- Students will have their height and weight measured.
- This information is used to determine, along with their age and gender, what their Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) is.
- This HFZ varies for each student depending on these four factors.
- Height
- Weight
- Age
- Gender
- Aerobic Capacity