Standards of Student Attire/ Dress Code

  • To create a favorable climate for learning, all students are expected to be clean and neat in appearance and dressed in presentable clothing.  Clothing or general appearance should not create a distraction in the classroom or negatively affect the instructional program, and must be considered age appropriate and safe.

    Students are expected to dress within the following standard of Dress Code:

    • No clothing with advertisements or designs that promote violence, drugs, alcohol, sex, tobacco, bad language, unacceptable social behavior, etc.
    • No unfitted clothing including but not limited to belts, pants (underwear should not be visible), shirts, tops, etc.
    • No gang related/inspired attire, including but not limited to unhemmed or slit-legged pants and pants that are excessively loose at the waist or excessively wide at the legs and tennis shoes that are not laced appropriately with additional socks tucked inside.
    • No revealing clothing, including but not limited to short-shorts, low necklines and/or backlines, so-called “spaghetti straps”, shoulder-less garments (tube-tops), and bare midriffs.
    • No make-up, extreme jewelry or hairstyles that are disruptive to the learning environment or might pose a safety hazard.
    • No unsafe shoes including but not limited to open-toed, high heeled, platform or other potentially unsafe shoes, including shoe-skates (“heelies”).  Athletic/tennis shoes are required for all physical education activities and for play on the playground equipment. 

    Parents will be notified immediately when a student is found to be inappropriately dressed.  Appropriate consequences will be determined by the school administration, including:

    • Parent may be called to bring appropriate clothing that the student may wear.
    • Student may be loaned a school spirit wear garment to wear over their inappropriate clothing.


Last Modified on March 8, 2019