

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kang

Welcome to your 5th and 6th grade years at Monte Vista. Since it is in the best interest of the student that there exists a home-school communication, parents will be informed of their child’s assignments and progress throughout the year by utilizing the assignment agenda and parent signatures. Most test and quiz papers, as well as explanations of long-term projects, will be sent home for review and parent signatures.


It is important for the students to be responsible for themselves. Responsibility and organization are skills that are heavily stressed in the upper grades at Monte Vista.


Absences: If you are absent, please make arrangements for your work to be picked up or sent home on a daily basis. Please check each of your teacher's webpages for specific classwork and assignments in each subject area. Weekly assignments or long-term assignments must be completed on the due date even if a child is absent for a day or two.  Daily assignments must be completed within the same number of days that the child was absent. For example, if a child misses 2 days, the child would have 2 days to make up the work.


Homework: Homework consists of any unfinished daily classwork and assigned homework. Homework is posted on this website, but highly recommend checking student's agenda for accuracy. 


Parent Communication Log: School-home communication is a crucial part to your student's success in school. We are using a new point system as a way to communicate with your about your child's daily work habits. There will be NO CONSEQUENCES given at school. Once your child has accrued 10 points, a form will be sent home explaining each point, for you to review with your child. The slip must be signed and returned the next school day.


Homework and classwork will be checked daily, and points will be earned for missing/ incomplete work. Points will also be earned for lack of academic effort in areas such as classroom preparation, returning parent signatures, following directions, and classroom disruptions.