Dress Code
Columbus Elementary School Dress Code Policy
Columbus Elementary School has a voluntary school uniform consisting of navy blue or khaki bottoms(pants, shorts, scooters/skorts), and white shirts. School t-shirts may be purchased through the school. We encourage all students at Columbus to wear the school uniform. This dress code has been established to encorage a positive atmosphere for learning at Columbus Elementary School.
Students are expected to adhere to the following dress-code standards:
- No gang related attire/clothing.
- No unifitted clothing such as baggy or oversized pants, belts, shirts, tops. etc.
- No bandanas, kerchiefs, hair nets or hats (other than Columbus hats).
- No clothing or jewelry that depicts or promotes drugs, alcohol, or tobacco use.
- No clothing or jewelry that contains anything crude, vulgar, profane, sexually suggestive, or which promotes any form of prejudice or violence.
- No short shorts, low neckline/backline, strapless, short midriff baring shirt and /or see-through or any revealing clothing.
- No make-up, jewelry or anything else that is disruptive to the learning evironment or may pose a safety hazard.
- No unsafe shoes (open-toed shoes/sandals, high heels, platforms, etc.). For safety reasons, socks and tennis shoes are recommended.
Dress code violations will result in the following actions:
- Parents/guardians will be contacted and asked to bring appropriate clothing to the office, where the student will remain until it arrives.
- Students may be sent home to change or disciplined for continual defiance.