The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Anna Tompkins and Mrs. Dennis!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Kiyonna Cunningham and Layla LeBel!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Important updates from the Gilboa-Conesville Central School: Health, Sports, Regents and 3-8 Testing Good Afternoon: With so much information as well as misinformation being circulated, I wanted to give everyone an update on some school-related items. Of course, the one caveat is that all updates are subject to change at any point. If this happens, we will share those updates with you as soon as possible. First, I have been asked about our plans for closure between the Thanksgiving and winter breaks. As of Thursday November 19th, we are not planning to close during this period. We will continue to follow the local COVID infection rates and the directives from the Schoharie County Department of Health, State Ed and the Governor’s Office. The health, safety, and welfare of our students, staff and our community remain our priority. If closure information should change we will notify all stakeholders immediately. We have received other questions about travel during the holiday seasons. What happens if you travel out of state? What happens if people from out of state visit you? The travel document posted with this update is from the Schoharie County Department of Health and answers most of these questions. Always check the Department of Health website for up-to-date information Schoharie County Department of Health. For winter sports this was just released. “Latham, NY – The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) has announced the start date for high risk winter sports (basketball, competitive cheer, ice hockey and wrestling) will be moved to January 4, 2021.” Finally, our health office at school has been very busy screening for COVID-19 during the start of cold and flu season. Families and teachers understandably have many questions for the school nurse in regards to contract tracing, quarantining, and when it is safe to return to school. Our health & safety guidelines are updated almost daily. You can call our school health office or consult with your county Department of Health for the latest updates. Please note that some of our health rules are not new; if your child is sick they must stay home. In addition, if you or your child show any of the symptoms of COVID-19 get tested. The signs are: • Fever or chills • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Fatigue • Muscle or body aches • Headache • New loss of taste or smell • Sore throat • Congestion or runny nose • Nausea or vomiting • Diarrhea In school we are cleaning and following the social distance and mask rules. We are in a county that has mandated masks at all times in school with the exception of lunch and mask breaks. This order is posted in the main office and online with the other health documents. As you can imagine, additional cleaning and enforcing mask and social distance requirements require constant vigilance by staff as well as students. Our custodial and transportation department have added deep and constant cleaning to their daily routines. Food service has transitioned into our version of Uber Eats as most meals are now delivered. We have limited visitors to our buildings as well as moving parent teacher conferences and special education meetings online. All of our teaching, classroom support personnel, and office staff have adapted well. The health office has become a hub as we continue to support the school through this pandemic. To that end, we are hiring a second staff member to the health office to assist in the added work and responsibilities. We have all heard that NYC Public Schools are now fully remote. We have a few local schools that have gone remote and one that we know of that is planning to go remote for a few days after Thanksgiving. What does this mean for us? It means that we will continue to watch the numbers, coordinate with the Schoharie County Department of Health, follow any new executive order that might come out of the Governor’s office and then rely on our Board of Education and school administration to make and share any decisions. Regents exams in January have been canceled. To date, the NYS 3-8 tests are still scheduled as are the June Regents exams. Both of these are subject to change. As always, we have our health email address where you can send any questions, comments or concerns you may have. That email is . Stay safe, stay well. Jack Etter Superintendent Gilboa-Conesville Central School
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
We would like to give a special shout-out to all of our transportation staff for their hard work especially without having a building to work out of. We are working on a temporary solution to this as we speak. Thank you all!!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Shout out
It is very important that we have the most up to date parent/guardian information for each of our students. Even if you think we have your current address, home number, cell number(s), email(s), emergency contact information, etc. please confirm with us by emailing us at: as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Time to update
There will be an emergency Board of Education meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 24. The meeting will go directly into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
In case you missed the Virtual Financial Aid presentation last night, you can view the recording here: Passcode: z46NPzB$
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
In case you missed it
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Laura Breigle and Michael O'Hara!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please note the updated Holiday Travel Guidance document: I will continue to update everyone as we are given new information.
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Skyler Castle!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please be advised of the Holiday Travel Guidelines set by the New York State Department of Health. You can find this information with specific scenarios outlined in the Documents section of our school website, click the link below to view the document:
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Holiday travel
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Caitlyn Ciaravino!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Mary Granger and Mrs. Denise Calabrese!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Kerrington Bellinger, MacAyle Young and Mr. Scott Snyder!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Rudi Askew and Mr. Etter!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Here are some great resources for students exploring Alfred State College. · Virtual Overview Recording - · Virtual Tour – · Personalized Virtual Viewbook – · Visit Opportunities - o Please note our last fall Virtual Open House is Wednesday, December 2 at 6:00 p.m. · Explore our Majors - o A student can select a major and then select program details to access a printable PDF with a faculty members email address, the course layout for the entire program, and more!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Area All State is a festival where the best students from every zone get together and practice a repertoire of music to perform at a concert the following day. This typically is held at SUNY Oneonta. There is a difficult selection process in order to participate in this event. Unfortunately, this year the event was canceled, but students were still selected to represent their schools. This year Ethan Halat and Ava Gockel were selected for the band, Dawson Ford, Ethan Hallock, and Gage Gockel were selected for the mixed chorus, and Samantha Chapman was selected for the treble chorus. Congratulations!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Isabella Durkin and Mrs. Bradley!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Ethan Hallock!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Afternoon, We wanted to make sure we share how we are handling days off during hybrid learning. Tomorrow is Veterans Day, the first holiday we have encountered since beginning this new educational model. Although a holiday and a day off from school, Veterans Day will be counted as part of the in-person/remote learning rotating schedule. Therefore, on Thursday, November 12th and Friday, November 13th, grades 8, 11 and 12 will report to school for in-person learning. Grades 7, 9 and 10 will attend classes remotely. Moving forward, all days off (including holidays, vacation days, Superintendent’s Conference Days and snow days) will be treated as if they were regular school days for the purpose of the hybrid schedule. We also want to thank all of our Veterans for your service to our country. Happy Veteran's Day!!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Vets Day