GCS Holds Sports Awards Night

Germantown CSD held its annual Sports Awards Night recently. Congratulations to all of our teams and athletes. Award winners are as follows: End of Year Athletic Awards: Katie Bathrick (Richard Mossman Memorial Award), Bradley DelPozzo (Clippers Award), Michael Stagno...

Technology Collection

As we wrap up the school year, we want to make sure that all students who need to return iPads / Keyboards and power cords do so in a timely manner. Below is a schedule on when students should return those items: Grades 11/12: Monday, June 13Grades 9/10: Tuesday, June...

Special BOE Meeting on June 15

Germantown CSD will hold a special Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, June 15, at 6:30 p.m. Attend virtually using the link below. https://questar-org.zoom.us/j/92424446473?pwd=THNReER4RVA1dDNxQ3F3V1JRRENxZz09 Meeting ID: 924 2444 6473Passcode:...