Safety Update: After Hours Building Security

Safety Update: After Hours Building Security
Posted on 06/05/2018
Beginning on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 5, 2018, the entrance and exit doors of Galway Central School District will be secured after hours and on weekends, as is the current practice during the regular school day. Only authorized users will have access to the facilities through the swipecard system. There will be limited exceptions for large scale events and athletic contests, but even in such instances, access will be limited and the facilities will not be open at multiple points as it has been in the past. 

Building user meetings have occurred for those community groups that need access to the school.  If any user group didn’t get included and will need access over the summer, please contact either Main Office for more details. 

The change to after-hours building access is one of a number of safety initiatives brought about by the Board of Education Facilities Safety Sub-Committee.  Please see the presentations below that outline the numerous safety measures that have been implemented since January to further improve student safety.

Board of Education Facilities Safety Sub-Committee

Facilities Use Stakeholder Meeting 6.4.18
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