Summer Programs

Summer Programs

Are your students eager to dive into the world of science and health this summer? Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) invites all students in grades 8-12 to be a part of our exciting NEW Summer Enrichment Program

July 17th - July 19th
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Register Here 

Your students will discover the leader within themselves as our faculty guide them through interactive lab experiments and engaging STEM activities. They will also gain insight into academic options and potential career paths available to them. If you know someone that can benefit from the ACPHS program, please encourage them to secure their spot as soon as possible! 

Have a great summer - 

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Phone: (518) 694-7221
Email: [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern: 


I hope you are doing well and enjoying the start of spring. My name is Kaylee Bagdan and I am a Biology student at Skidmore College, currently working and doing research under Professor David Domozych. We are excited to announce the return of the Young Scholars Cell Biology Institute (YSCBI) this summer as an outreach program under Professor Domozych’s National Science Foundation’s recent grant. We are reaching out to you due to your connections with early high school students, the sciences, and your ability to connect young individuals to opportunities through our local high schools.   


The Young Scholars Cell Biology Institute is a program incorporating a multi-disciplinary approach to introducing the next generation of students to a variety of STEM related subjects. These subjects range from genomics to computer science to cell biology to environmental science to neuroscience to biochemistry and beyond. One of the highlights of the program is allowing students to have hands-on experiences with true high technology, such as confocal, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, at Skidmore’s Microscopy Imaging Center (SMIC). Other highlights include hands on experiments with experts in the field, a tour of the Tang Teaching Museum, and an Environmental Science talk through Skidmore College’s 150 acres of wooded forest called Northwoods. To learn more about what our program entails, please visit our website here and our Instagram account we recently launched @young_scholars_cell_bio.  


The program will run as a day camp from 8:45 am until 4:45 pm daily from Monday, July 10th until Friday, July 14th, 2023. Students will begin and end their days in SMIC and be picked up at the entrance of Palamountain Hall. In order to make this program as accessible as possible to students of all backgrounds, the entire program will be free of charge, including daily free lunches. Students are only responsible for determining transportation to and from campus on their own. This program is primarily for students entering their sophomore or junior year of high school; however, we will consider other high school students if space permits. If there are overflowing applications, the camp may be extended to include a second cohort of students a separate week in July. Our mission is simple; we want to make science accessible to everyone. 


In order to apply to the Young Scholars Cell Biology Institute, we request that each student fills out an application and submits a letter of recommendation from a science teacher, an advisor, or a guidance counselor to the program. The letters of recommendation should be submitted directly from the recommender to Professor Domozych at [email protected] and include a description of why the student should be accepted into the program. The applications will be reviewed by myself, Professor Domozych, and the staff of YSCBI.  Students are also requested to fill out a photo consent form upon acceptance as well as a lab safety handout.  


I would like to reassure students and staff that this is an opportunity worth considering, as I myself am an alumna from the 2016 session of the program. The program allowed me to truly create lasting friendships, sparked my interest in STEM, allowed me to begin thinking about college, and led to me pursuing my career in the field. I feel honored to be returning to this program as the lead student researcher spearheading the program for the second year in a row and would be happy to help answer any questions ([email protected]) alongside Professor Domozych ([email protected]). The staff plans to pull together an informational video in the coming days to answer any frequently asked questions.  


I am also happy to answer questions directly over Zoom upon request or talk with potential students who are interested in learning more. Please contact me directly if you are interested in doing so at [email protected].   


Lastly, attached above are flyers to print at each of your respective schools if you so desire. If you also would like to spread the word to others, we encourage you to forward this email to other colleagues that may also be interested in recommending this program to students. Thank you so much.  


Best regards,  

Kaylee Bagdan 

YSCBI Poster 2023.pdf

View course details in our Summer Enrichment catalog, and register today with the online form here. Questions? Contact SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education at [email protected] or 518-743-2238.
July 10 to 27 | Monday through Thursday
  • American Sign Language (ASL) for Beginners
  • Wild Watercolor Experience
  • Hands-On History
  • Forensic Science & Genetic Genealogy 
  • Intro to Computer Programming
  • Adventures in Rocket Engineering
  • The Wonderful World of Science
  • Drawing & Painting Animals
  • Pokémon Battle Arena
  • Crystal Myths & Magic
  • All About Dogs
July 14 to Aug. 4 | Fridays
  • Culinary Arts Camp
July 10 to 27 | Monday through Thursday
  • Drawing & Painting Exploration
  • Science Explorations
  • Adventures in Rocket Science
  • Mural Painting 101
  • Hands-On History
  • Theater: Next Stage
  • Forensic Science & Genetic Genealogy
  • Introduction To “Dungeons & Dragons” 
  • Mystery Solved 2023
  • Bookbinding
July 14 to Aug. 4 | Fridays
  • Culinary Arts Camp
SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education
Phone: 518-743-2238 | Email: [email protected]


A day in the life: Pre-College students watching a movie on the Main Green.

Hi Kathy,


There are so many choices for your students this summer! We know that they have a variety of interests, passions, needs and strengths. With so many courses and programs, both on campus, online and at locations across the United States and around the globe, we think Brown Pre-College offers the right opportunity for many of the teenagers you work with. 

Brown Pre-College 1-Sheet
We put together this information 1-sheet for you and your students to learn more about their summer options and why a pre-college program might be right!

Important Dates
If you have interested students, please share this information about our important application dates. Our application for summer 2023 opened January 18, 2023. 

Along with our application for admission, applications for our Sibley Scholarship (financial aid to attend a Brown Pre-College program) are now open. Please note that the Sibley Scholarship application closes on March 10, 2023 and funds are awarded on a first come first served basis until funds are depleted, which could occur before the scholarship deadline. If you have interested students please encourage them to apply for a Sibley Scholarship as soon as possible.

Brown Pre-College BELL: Alaska 2022 cohort on an iceberg.

Pictured Above: 2022 Brown Pre-College BELL: Alaska cohort.

Want to learn more?

Have a question?
Reply to this email or call (401) 863-7900 Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST to get connected to a Program Advisor who can help.

Brown University
Box 1851, Providence, Rhode Island United States, 02912


BU Summer Journalism Academy

Dear Colleague:

It's that time when your students search for summer programs that tap into their interests and begin the next chapter in their lives of aligning them with their future career goals. 

At Boston University Summer Journalism Academy (BUSJ), students not only have an opportunity to have award-winning working journalists, they also have the chance to experience Boston University and the city of Boston. 
For 15 years, Boston University College of Communication has offered this program to teach high school students in-person and virtually core skills in news reporting, interviewing, and writing, focusing on hands-on experience in and around Boston and their home communities.

Our photojournalism program taught by former Boston Globe photographer, Steve Haines, prepares students, like Taylor Coester  (a BUSJ alum and now a BU student), to work alongside journalists in capturing the best photo for their stories. Parents and students enjoy hearing that no third-party vendors are involved, and they can experience an authentic pre-college experience at a college on their list.
For students living on-campus, they have the opportunity to:

  • Meet with a Boston University's representative to discuss the college admissions process
  • Explore what it's like living in a residence hall and studying in a university environment
  • Experience Boston museums, historical sites, and neighborhoods during their free time

Students decide if they would like to attend our program in-person or virtually. Our three-week on-campus session starts June 26. Our two-week virtual sessions begin June 19, July 3, and July 17. 
If you have a student who wants a real college experience this summer and wants to pursue a communication degree, encourage them to learn more by visiting and applying soon, as limited seats are available for our in-person and virtual sessions.



Ermolande Jean-Simon
Program manager for BU Summer Journalism Academy
Boston University College of Communications
640 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
Direct: 617.353.5391
BU Summer Journalism Academy email│[email protected]


Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs

Dear Kathy,

The final application deadline for Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs is March 15, 2023. Please share this email with any students you think might be interested in applying to the programs below. Current sophomores and juniors who will be 16 years of age by July 2023 are eligible. We have scholarship available!
Pre-College Programs* - Summer of 2023
  • Architecture: Introduces design practice, creative problem solving, and critical thinking through a matrix of programming, celebrating curiosity and providing a strong foundation for architectural education. (4-week program)
  • Art: Uses both traditional tools and cutting-edge technologies to explore creative ideas in a college-level studio environment. Students develop both conceptual and technical skills preparing them for a wide range of opportunities in both art studies and careers. (3- and 6-week program options)
  • Computational Biology: Provides extensive training in both cutting-edge laboratory experiments to generate biological data and the computational analysis of that data. Uses real-world scenarios for exploration. (3-week program) - CLOSING SOON!
  • Design: Introduces students to the discipline of Design, provides a foundation of skills, and gives a clear idea of what to expect from a college-level accredited program. (6-week program) - CLOSING SOON!
  • Drama: Prepares students for the college audition and interview process, illustrating the kind of creativity and discipline required of students studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts Drama curriculum. Students will be introduced to the intensity of a top-rated undergraduate conservatory experience. (6-week program)
  • Music: Immerses high school students in a world-class conservatory experience within an internationally recognized university. The program mirrors the first weeks of Carnegie Mellon’s first-year undergraduate School of Music curriculum. (3- and 6-week program options, commuter part-time option)

  • National High School Game Academy: Allows high school students to experience modern video game development using industry-standard technology. Students interested in art, music and audio, game design, and software development are encouraged to apply for this interdisciplinary program. (6-week program) - CLOSING SOON!

  • Summer Session: Provides high school students with the opportunity to take summer courses offered by Carnegie Mellon. Students earn college credit while working in an academic setting that mirrors the supportive, rigorous environment of the first year of college. (6-week program)

  • Writing & Culture: Storytelling is the process of uncovering, understanding, and sharing stories. Whether through words or images, stories unite us and help create a mutual space for understanding ourselves and each other. That’s what the Pre-College Writing & Culture program works to develop: skilled, reflective, engaged storytellers who can share our stories well. (6-week program)
*Scholarships available for programs above.
Fully-Funded, Merit-Based* Pre-College Programs - Summer of 2023
  • AI Scholars: Provides opportunities for students who have been historically excluded in STEM to study artificial intelligence with full-time faculty, staff, and researchers who are leaders in the field. (4-week program, rising seniors only)
  • Computer Science Scholars: Provides students who have been historically excluded in the field of computer science an opportunity to explore the subject with full-time faculty, staff and researchers who are leaders in the field.  (4-week program, rising juniors only)
  • Summer Academy for Math and Science:  Allows students from underrepresented communities to develop a deeper understanding of STEM via traditional classroom instruction, hands-on projects, and sustained engagement with world-renowned faculty and skilled staff mentors. (5-week program, rising seniors only)
*No cost to participant.

To learn more about our programs, watch a recording of our Discover Sessions or contact us with questions.


Marjorie C. Dawkins
Assistant Director, Enrollment Management
Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs

Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs

Carnegie Mellon University | 4700 Fifth Ave. | Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412.268.5914 | [email protected]


Dear Kathy,

We are excited to share information with you about the 2023 PREFACE Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute! PREFACE is a summer program for talented students who have been historically under-represented in science, engineering, and the technological fields, and who express a strong, early interest in pursuing careers in these areas. This year’s program will take place in-person, Sunday, July 23 through Saturday, August 5 2023 (2 weeks), on the Rensselaer campus in Troy, NY. 

The PREFACE Program is for students who will be entering the 11th or 12th grade in the fall. Interested candidates should review the information on the PREFACE website and complete the online application.

Completed applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on April 14, 2023. Notifications will be made to accepted students in early May.

We hope you will share this information with your students and encourage them to apply to the 2023 PREFACE Program. If you have questions about the program, please contact us at [email protected]

Cynthia L. Smith, M.S. '96
Director of Pipeline Initiatives and Partnerships
[email protected]

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 Eighth Street, Troy, NY USA 12180
Phone: (518) 276-6216
Email: [email protected]


Reagan Academy Logo
Image: University Interns


We are searching for university students with a passion for leadership and communication looking to make a difference in the lives of middle and high school leaders. Our summer interns’ primary responsibility will be to help facilitate the Student Leadership Program. However, they will also assist in Foundation events, initiatives, and projects. Through their work, interns will have the opportunity to meet and connect with various organizational departments, while experiencing the ins and outs of a world-class non-profit.

Do you know a student who exhibits a passion for leadership, and demonstrates proficient communication skills? Encourage them to apply before the March 24 deadline.  


Applications now open for

2023 High School Academies!

Curie Academy & Catalyst Academy are now accepting applications for summer 2023!

We welcome you to recommend our Academies to students who have:


  • Demonstrated a deep interest in STEM/engineering;


  • An academic trajectory (classes taken) and record of performance that will prepare them to be successful engineering majors.


Applications and supporting documents are due March 1st!

Apply Today!

CURIE and CATALYST Academies are one-week residential programs for rising high school juniors and seniors who desire to learn about engineering in the context of an authentic college experience. Each Academy seeks to develop literacy surrounding engineering as a major course of study in college, showcase career and graduate school pathways in engineering, and demystify the admissions process. 

CURIE Academy is devoted exclusively to promoting the participation of young women in STEM and engineering.  

CATALYST Academy a co-educational program that has a particular focus on bringing together a diverse group of young minds, including those from backgrounds historically excluded from and underrepresented in STEM fields.


BU Summer Journalism Academy

Dear Colleague:

Happy new year! 

With the new year, we know that you and many of your students are thinking about summer.

Do you have a student thinking about a career in communications or enjoy writing? We have just the thing: the Boston University Summer Journalism Academy, hosted by Boston University College of Communication.

For 13 years, our program has taught high school students in-person and virtually core skills in news reporting, interviewing, and writing, focusing on hands-on experience in and around Boston and their home communities. Taught by award-winning working journalists such as Pulitzer Prize winner Lara Salahi and Rochelle Sharpe, students learn how to follow facts and get to the heart of stories affecting communities. 

We challenge students to step outside their comfort zone – and experience life as a working journalist. In the past, our students spoke with policymakers, reported from a massive immigration march, and highlighted issues affecting teens during the pandemic. They learned how to interview strangers, ask probing questions and assemble it in a concise story on deadline.

Students learn practical skills during their sessions and will receive a taste of how a newsroom operates.

The academy now offers two options: an on-campus residential program over three weeks for students with journalism experience and a learn-from-home program over two weeks for all experience levels. For students interested in photography, we offer a special photojournalism track for both.
Applications for the on-campus session June 26 to July 14 are due on April 14. Applications for learn-at-home sessions starting June 19, July 3, and July 17 are due on May 5.
Best of all, students will save $400 off the full fee for the on-campus academy or $200 off the full fee of the learn-from-home academy if they apply, are accepted, and registered in full by March 3.

We hope you will share this opportunity with your students. To learn more about the Summer Journalism Academy, visit

Ermolande Jean-Simon 
Student Programs Manager 
Boston University Summer Journalism Academy


January 20, 2023
Summer 2023 Pre-College Programs Virtual Fair

Dear Kathy,

Please share this opportunity with your students!
The Association for Pre-College Program Directors is proud to present the Summer 2023 Pre-College Programs Virtual Fair, a virtual event that provides students and their families the opportunity to learn about academic summer programs at top US colleges and universities. At the fair, attendees may visit virtual booths, where you can ask questions via text or video chat with summer program representatives. Registration is free to attendees.

2023 Summer Pre-College Program Fair
Saturday, January 28, 2023
1:00pm - 2:30pm EST


Representatives from UMass Amherst Summer Pre-College will be at the event. Any questions about the event can be directed to

We hope to see you and your students there!

UMass Amherst Summer Pre-College

Dear Morck:

Happy New Year! I know it’s only January, but it’s actually time to start thinking about summer. Here at Columbia, plans are well underway to welcome a new cohort of students to our Pre-College programs this summer.

Through our Immersion program, students in grades 9-12 have an opportunity to try their hand at over 90 subjects normally reserved for college. For example: Constitutional Law, Investment Portfolio Management, Introduction to Material Science and Nanotechnology, and Introduction to Architectural Design and Theory, to name a few. By getting a taste of these subjects while in high school, students can save time and energy by honing their college interests at a young age.

I have had the pleasure of serving as a mentor to past Pre-College Immersion students who represent Columbia as ambassadors to prospective families. One recurring theme I hear from these ambassadors is how the program changed them in ways beyond simply learning more about a subject area. It’s these ancillary results that I believe are the true, hidden benefits of the program. Students return to their schools and thrive in new ways as a direct result of the maturity and confidence they gained from participating in this program. Honestly, I could go on, but I will leave you with this quote:

I've gained a new understanding of my passions as well as what kind of education I would like to pursue in the future. Outside of academics, this program has helped me establish critical life skills such as critical thinking and active participation. Prior to this program, I was always overly conscious of saying the right things and only participating when I knew I was definitely correct. Now I know that it's completely ok to be wrong and that the purpose of a class is to learn from mistakes, not just to prove your knowledge.

 –Yuna N., former Neuroscience and the Law student

Here is a link to our most recent flyer which will give you all the relevant information about our summer program. You will see that we offer both online and in-person options. For more detailed information, please visit  Summer Immersion: Online to learn about online study options and for on-campus study, please visit Summer Immersion: New York City. The early registration deadline is February 3. 

We will also be hosting information sessions featuring several of our Ambassadors on January 26 at 8PM ET and February 2 at 8PM ET

Finally, please pass along this code to waive the $80 application fee as a token of our appreciation to your students: HSIM220

Never hesitate to reach out to me directly if you have any questions. We would not be able to put together these programs without your support!

Kind regards,

Anita R Weiss | Assistant Director, Pre-College Recruitment
Columbia University, School of Professional Studies
2970 Broadway, 203 Lewisohn Hall, New York, NY 10027 | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
[email protected]


Dear Kathy,

Help your students prepare for their college future with a Pre-College Summer Program at the University of Miami. How many high school students get the chance to build an architectural portfolio for undergraduate admissions applications, create a workable business plan, meet executives from collegiate and professional sports organizations, or step into the eye of a hurricane with leading researchers in atmospheric science?

Students explore their academic passions and discover future career paths at the University of Miami’s Pre-College Summer Programs. There are two types of programs your students can enjoy: 

  • High-achieving high school sophomores and juniors can participate in an authentic college experience and earn six college credits in various academic areas in the Summer Scholars Program
  • For students seeking hands-on experience in a more condensed format, we also offer two-week, non-credit UM Academies for an intense experiential learning environment open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. 

Note: The priority application deadline is approaching on February 1, 2023. Students are encouraged to apply early for the best chance of placement in their first-choice program. Applications are processed on a rolling basis and must be fully completed to be considered. Applicants can use waiver code “GUIDANCE” to receive $25 off the application fee*.

Interested in hearing the student perspective?  Check out these blog posts from one of our 2019 participants, Madison Z.


Summer 2023 program dates:

  • Summer Scholars Program (Credit) is a three-week, for-credit program that allows high school sophomores and juniors to earn six college credits in a variety of academic areas they may be considering for college majors.
    • Session dates: July 1 – 21, 2023, In-person
  • UM Academies (Non-credit) is a two-week, non-credit program that gives high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors invaluable experiential learning opportunities.
    • Session dates: July 1 – 14, 2023, In-person & remote options 
Scholarship Opportunities
Need-based and merit scholarships are available for qualified students in the Summer Scholars Program. To be considered, eligible applicants must complete both the Summer Scholars application and the scholarship application. All supporting documents are required by March 1, 2023 for consideration. Students who meet the requirements for our need-based scholarship may also qualify for application fee reduction waivers. Please click here for more information on scholarship opportunities.  

For program information, visit our website


Wentworth Faculty teaching students in Industrial Design

Greetings from Wentworth, 

Wentworth Institute of Technology is looking forward to our next cohort of pre-college students this summer. ImpactLab is an innovative two-week residential summer experience for rising juniors and seniors to explore their passions in science, engineering, and design.  

Your students will get the opportunity to... 

  • Get to know like-minded peers from around the globe as you preview college life. 
  • Experience our beautiful Boston campus and all this vibrant city has to offer.  
  • Learn alongside our engaging faculty and corporate partners in a variety of STEM-focused workshops.  

This summer we promise to provide an insider’s look at all the institute has to offer. We invite you to learn more and apply today by visiting

Learn more about ImpactLab!


Students can start planning their summer in Boston, with a choice of five challenging
high school programs.

Can't view this email? View it online.

It may be cold outside in Boston, but it’s never too early to start planning for summer! Please let your students know they can now apply online for the 2023 Summer Term High School Programs at Boston University, via our website.

Next summer, we are offering five pre-college programs, each of which provides rigorous and collaborative college life experiences that will enable students to gain a strong sense of their personal and academic potential. Here is a brief overview of each:
  • High School Honors is a six-week residential, commuter, or online program in which students take Boston University undergraduate courses and earn up to 8 transferable college credits. Students must be entering their junior or senior year of high school in fall 2023.
  • RISE Internship/Practicum is a six-week, non-credit residential or commuter program in which students conduct scientific research in a university lab under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students must be entering their senior year of high school in fall 2023.
  • Academic Immersion (AIM) is a three-week, non-credit residential or commuter program for students to focus intensively on a single academic topic while experiencing life on a college campus. This summer we are offering three AIM tracks: Introduction to Experimental Psychology; Introduction to Medicine; and Creative Writing. Each track combines classroom work in the subject area with hands-on experiential learning activities. Students must be entering their junior or senior year of high school in fall 2023.
  • Summer Challenge is a two-week residential or online program in which students take two non-credit seminars of their choice and experience college life. Students must be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school in fall 2023.
  • Summer Preview is a one-week, non-credit residential or commuter program in which students explore one subject of interest while previewing the college experience. Students must be entering eighth grade or their freshman or sophomore year of high school in fall 2023.

I hope you will share our website with your students and encourage them to apply. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing your students on campus next summer!


Amanda Kautzman, PhD
Associate Director
Boston University Summer Term



The New York Department of State is accepting applications for the Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge, a residential, hands-on, summer STEM academy sponsored by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) in collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This opportunity is available for New York State high school students and teachers and middle school students from New York State’s Appalachian Region (Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schoharie, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins counties).


The two-week program for high school students and teachers will be July 8-21, 2023. The one-week program for middle school students will run two sessions to be held on July 8-14 and July 15-21, 2023. Accepted applicants will receive roundtrip travel to Oak Ridge, TN, including lodging, meals, supplies, and extracurricular activities. The application deadline is Friday, February 10, 2023.


The Department of State will select nominees for each teacher and student session. Alternates may be nominated to attend based on available spacePlease visit the Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge site to apply. Please direct questions to [email protected] and [email protected] at 518-473-3355. For more information about this exciting STEM program and the application process, please visit NYSED’s Office of Standards and Instruction Awards and Scholarships page.



The Office of Standards and Instruction


summer institutes logo

Learn about Our Summer 2023 Programs

Dear Kathy,

As a high school counselor, you are an invaluable resource to your students as they plan for the future. If you are looking for opportunities to keep your students engaged in their education this summer, we invite you to explore Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies programs.

Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies strives to enhance the education of motivated, intellectually curious, pre-college students. This summer, we are offering several online and residential academic enrichment programs, and we hope you will share these programs with your students as they make plans for the summer.

Our programs feature a wide variety of disciplines—including business, computer science, humanities, math, science, social justice, and more—allowing students to investigate advanced topics beyond the typical high school curriculum. Students engage in discussion-based classes with instructors who are scholars in their fields and passionate about teaching.

Please direct students to our website to learn more about our range of program offerings. You can also share this digital flyer with your students at Galway Senior High School so they can explore our summer program opportunities.

Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes
Current Grades 8–11, Application Deadline: March 15, 2023

Session One: June 19 – June 30, 2023
Session Two: July 10 – July 21, 2023

Stanford Summer Humanities Institute
Current Grades 10–11, Application Deadline: February 1, 2023
Session One: June 25 – July 14, 2023
Session Two: July 16 – August 4, 2023

Applications are now open, and need-based financial aid is available.


We appreciate all that you do to support your students, and we hope that they will apply to join us this summer.



Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies Team

Learn More


Dear Kathy,

We are pleased to share that the application process is now open for Accelerate Pre-College Programs 2023 at Northeastern

Our residential Boston and Oakland campus programs are taught by our internationally acclaimed faculty, allowing students to gain extensive, hands-on, experiential education in subjects including engineering, health sciences, ethics & emerging technologies, entrepreneurship, and more. Accelerate Pre-College Programs combine innovative content, experiential learning, and a world-class environment—giving talented high school students a true Northeastern experience.  

The Application Process 

Our Summer 2023 residential programs are designed for rising juniors and seniors. We are looking for talented, highly motivated students who are passionate about the subject area, and who are ready for a rigorous program. We mimic the Northeastern undergraduate application review process by performing a holistic review—examining all areas of the application (academic, extracurricular, etc.). equally.  Application requirements include:  

  • Application: Online Application  

  • Transcript: An unofficial high school transcript or report card. 

  • Personal statement: A short statement (maximum of 600 words) describing the student's passion for the subject matter, their motivation for enrolling in the program, and what they hope to gain from the experience  

  • Recommendation: Students may submit a teacher or counselor recommendation, but this is not required.

  • Financial aid: When completing the application, there is also a financial aid section for consideration of our need-based aid awards. 

There is no application fee for the program, and students who apply by the early application deadline, February 28, 2023, will receive a $500 discount on tuition. More information on the application and financial aid, including important deadlines, can be found on our website.


Liz Quinn
Director of Pre-College Programs 
Accelerate Pre-College Programs
Northeastern University


ImpactLab logo
Students working on a robot

Join us on December 13!

It is never too early for your high school students to make plans for summer, even if it is December! ImpactLab is Wentworth's pre-college adventure for rising juniors and seniors in high school, intentionally designed for students to explore their passions in STEM while getting a preview of college life in the city of Boston.  

We think ImpactLab would fit perfectly into their summer plans and we’d like to tell you why at our upcoming information session on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 5:00 PM (Eastern). 

Register now to join us for our live information session or feel free to share this opportunity with a student you think would be interested! 

For more information about our hands-on pre-college experience visit us at

Get Started with the Pre-College Programs at Wentworth


Greetings from Denison University and the Summer TUTTI Performing Arts camp!

We’re excited to introduce our new 8-day residential summer high school intensive in dancemusic, and theatre. At Summer TUTTI, students live and learn with peers from across the disciplines and across the country. They’ll deepen their skills and talents in their chosen area while exploring new ways of making art, guided by Denison professors as well as nationally-acclaimed professional artists and ensembles, Third Coast Percussion, string quartet ETHEL, and members from Available Light Theatre.

We welcome dancers (all styles), instrumentalists (strings, woodwinds, brass, piano, and percussion), composers, and students interested in all aspects of theatre-making (acting, directing, designing). Current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders are eligible to apply. Financial support is available for families with need. This year’s program runs from June 24 to July 1, 2023.

Please encourage your best students to apply! For more information and a link to the online application, go to The priority application deadline is March 1, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or at 740-587-5761.

Dr. Ching-chu Hu
Artistic Director


Dear Kathy,

Looking for a way to give your students a competitive edge on their college applications? Pre-College Summer Programs at the University of Miami will do just that. Open to first-year, sophomores, and juniors, these two-week and three-week programs offer immersive learning experiences and an introduction to college life. Students can choose from a wide range of academic specialties in the fields of healthcare and medicine, engineering, technology, business, communication and media, marine science, and so much more. 


Note: Students who apply before December 1, 2022 can use waiver code DEC1 to receive 50% off the application fee.* Admissions are on a rolling basis and students are encouraged to apply early in order to reserve space in their preferred program. 

Summer 2023 program dates:

Summer Scholars Program (Credit) is a three-week, for-credit program that allows high school sophomores and juniors to earn six college credits in a variety of academic areas they may be considering for college majors.

Session dates
: July 1 – 21, 2023, In-person

UM Academies (Non-credit) is a two-week, non-credit program that gives high school first-year, sophomores, and juniors invaluable experiential learning opportunities.
Session dates: July 1 – 14, 2023, In-person & remote options 

For program information, visit our website

Click the button below to hear what past students say about their Summer Scholars Program experience.

Scholarship Opportunities
Need-based and merit scholarships are available for eligible students in the Summer Scholars Program. To be considered, applicants must complete both the Summer Scholars application and the scholarship application. All supporting documents are required by March 1, 2023 for consideration. Students who meet the requirements for our need-based scholarship may also qualify for application fee reduction waivers. Please click here for more information on scholarship opportunities.  

*Applicant must enter the code at the time of application submission in the "Promo Code" section of the application. Waiver code expires 11:59 PM December 1, 2022. Please note refunds/discounts cannot be issued once an application has already been submitted. With waiver code, the application fee is reduced to $37.50.


Complete & Submit Your
Pre-College Application
by December 1 to Save

Complete and submit your RISD Pre-College Application by December 1, 2022, and attend the program, to receive $100 in RISD Bucks upon your arrival to campus.

Save 10% on Advanced Program Online summer class tuition if you 
register by December 1, 2022. Discount can be used for multiple class purchases, including enrollment for the entire certificate program. Use code APOSUMMER at checkout.


Pre-College isn’t just an education—it’s an experience

This summer, live like a RISD student and work alongside hundreds of other creative, highly motivated students who will inspire you to push your limits and produce your best work.

June 24–July 29, 2023



Reframe the way you look at the world

Designed for high school students interested in pursuing art and design in college, join RISD’s online intensive for changemakers to develop your art practice, learn new ways to collaborate and create a future you’re excited about.

Spring 2023
March 4–May 21 (2 sessions)

Summer 2023

June 17–Aug 13 (2 sessions)


Learn in the format
that works best for you

Both programs offer a college-level curriculum that provides a strong foundational understanding of drawing and design principles.

Whether on-campus or online, you’ll participate in courses led by professionally practicing instructors, learn to manage time and self-motivate, and develop a portfolio of concepts, sketches, and finished pieces that can be included in or inform your college application.

Compare the Programs


RISD Pre-Collegiate Programs 
Rhode Island School of Design 
Continuing Education 

401 454-6200  
800 364-7473 EXT 2 
[email protected] 



Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs offers world-class instruction on a beautiful university campus! We invite you to learn more about our programs and how they can help your students prepare for the college experience while exploring their educational and career options. Our programs vary in length and all offer scholarships. Programs begin in July 2023. 

Our application opens on December 1, but you and your students can register for our upcoming virtual Discover Sessions now! You'll have an opportunity to hear from our academic Program Directors as well as our Student Affairs staff. Please consider joining us by registering HERE!

Discover Sessions 2023

Computational Biology
Tuesday, December 13, 7:00-8:00PM EST

National High School Game Academy (includes Art and Music components)
Wednesday, December 14, 7:00-8:00PM EST

AI Scholars, Computer Science Scholars, and Summer Academy for Math and Science
Thursday, December 15, 7:00-8:30PM EST

Summer Session
Tuesday, January 17, 7:00-8:00PM EST

Writing & Culture
Wednesday, January 18, 7:00-8:00PM EST

Architecture, Art, and Design
Thursday, January 19, 7:00-8:30PM EST

Drama and Music
Wednesday, January 25, 7:00-8:00PM EST

Please share this email with your students and families as you feel appropriate. We hope to see you soon!

Marjorie C. Dawkins
Assistant Director, Enrollment Management
Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs

Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs

Carnegie Mellon University | 4700 Fifth Ave. | Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412.268.5914 | [email protected]

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