Safety Practices at Galway CSD

Safety Practices at Galway CSD
Posted on 03/21/2018
Galway Logo

March 21, 2018

Dear Galway Community:

In light of recent local and national events, we know there are questions and concerns about how we ensure  our schools are safe. Therefore, we felt it was important to talk about what we have done and are doing at Galway, and to reassure you that the safety of our students, teachers, and staff is the District’s top priority.

We continually evaluate District and individual building safety practices to ensure we are keeping current with best safety and security practices, and doing everything possible to make our buildings as safe as they can be. We continue to work with local and state law enforcement officials on an ongoing basis to implement the most up-to-date safety procedures. In addition, we have facilitated training for all faculty and staff in the District, we consult with national and regional experts regarding how to improve what we are doing, and conduct meaningful on-going drills. Galway Central School District will continue to implement a variety of measures and programs to deter school violence. The majority of these steps focus on building a stronger school culture and community through communication, respect, and responsibility. See Something, Say Something has never been more important!

Security measures in place at each building include:

  • All staff members are required to wear an identification badge at all times.

  • All new employees, including teachers, are fingerprinted before they are hired and extensive background checks are done by the New York State Education Department and FBI.

  • Only one entrance in each building is accessible to the public throughout school day. All other doors with outside access are locked.

  • At all schools, visitors may enter the school building only through the main entrance.

  • Visitors are required to sign-in and wear name tags throughout the length of their stay.

  • All buildings are equipped with video surveillance equipment.

  • Law enforcement has had an increased presence within both buildings.

  • Classroom doors remain locked throughout the school day.

  • Emergency call system is in-place and practiced.

  • Various programs have been implemented throughout the year to address our students social and emotional needs.

  • We have a school safety committee that meets regularly to address any and all concerns,and makes recommendations for areas of improvement.

We know the importance of students feeling connected to their school community, which is why our staff and teachers make building relationships with students a priority. Our school social worker, counselors, psychologist, and administrators are also always available to meet with students who want to express concerns or just talk.

It is important for all community members to realize that a threat could be something seen on social media or something that is heard in a conversation. That’s where the crucial concept, “See Something, Say Something” comes into play. We strongly encourage all school staff, students, parents, and community members to promptly report suspicious or potentially dangerous activity to the District and local police department.

Additionally, parents, students, and community members can always share information with any school administrator or school employee, who are trained to follow appropriate reporting protocols. Strategic safety plans and emergency protocols are certainly critical, but close communication and knowing our students and school community is just as important.

We all want the very best learning environment possible for our Galway students, and we thank you for reviewing this important information. If you have any questions or concerns about the information above, please do not hesitate to contact any administrator.


Shannon Shine

Brita Donovan

Michael Miller

Michelle McDougall

Jennifer Hall

Nate Kocak

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