The Galway Central P-Tech team, consisting of four 11th grade Galway students and one Fort Edward student, placed second at the Kid Wind Challenge at the General Electric (GE) facility in Schenectady on March 17, 2018.
The overall goal of The Kid Wind Challenge is to have fun building a device that converts moving wind into electricity. Along the way, students learn aspects of physics, engineering, environmental science, and policy. Students organized themselves into teams and did background research on turbines. They designed and built their own turbine, then tested the turbine to calculate its power output and improve the design.
This second place win qualified the team to compete in the National Kid Wind Challenge in Chicago May 8-10, 2018.
GE executives complimented the Galway/Fort Edward team on their PowerPoint presentation and question and answer session. The executives said their presentation was one of the best they had seen.
Please join us in congratulating these innovative students! From l.-r.: Erik Malanoski (Galway), Christian Hines (Galway), Lindsey Gileski (Galway), Derek Lyons (Fort Edward), and Jacob O'Brien (Galway).