Please join us in congratulating the following juniors and seniors who were inducted into the National Honor Society on Thursday, November 2, 2017:
Elise Arey
Riley Flint
Lindsey Gileski
Samantha Grant
Lily Bullet
Cori Hardcastle
Darren Heigel
Christian Hines
James Hofmann
Osie Johnston
Madison Kieft
Justin Kozlowski
Ben Lafreniere
Erik Malanoski
Annelise Ostrowski
Jacob O’Brien
Evelyn Relyea
Joshua Rumsey
Emma Smith
Matthew Sowle
Hannah Thompson
Meaghan Whalen
Anna Wnuk
Lindsey Zawisa
Natalie Zembsch
Siela Zembsch
During the induction ceremony, Galway Junior/Senior High School Principal Michael Miller said: “Tonight we celebrate your achievement and not only honor you, our new members, but also the important people in your lives who have assisted you and guided you. It is the care and support of your family and friends who also share in this honor tonight.”
National Honor Society is available for students who meet the following criteria in their Junior and Senior Years of High School:
1. Academics – Successful applicants must maintain an average of 85% or better.
2. Leadership– Applicant must provide evidence of leadership qualities as part of their essay. Successful applicants are involved in a wide variety of activities. The NHS Activities Data Form that students complete as part of their application is available below.
3. Service – Successful applicants must commit to 15 hours of volunteer service each year of membership.
4. Character – Teachers submit comments regarding your conduct to a Selection Committee also made up of teachers and staff members. The conduct of the successful applicant must meet the requirements put forth by the National Honor Society.
“This is a wonderful accomplishment and we are all very proud of these students," said Mr. Miller. “I would like to recognize Mrs. Donnan, our National Honor Society Advisor for her leadership and service to our students and our district. For 11 years she has been the Advisor for our Honor Society and is a true example of the Four Pillars of the National Honor Society. Whether in the classroom, or at an extracurricular activity, Mrs. Donnan is always working to create lasting, memorable experiences for our students.”
Refreshments for the reception following the ceremony were generously provided by the Galway PTSA.