Fifth Grade Tops Spelling Bee

Fifth Grade Tops Spelling Bee
Posted on 01/16/2018
McKenna Kanab, Patty Matthews, Magdalene Macia, and Jack Ryan

On January 9th, 27 students in grades 4-8 participated in the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee in the Galway High School Auditorium.

After 10 challenging rounds consisting of words such as “agog, shilling, sparsely, and cipher,” the contest whittled down to the final three spellers: Jack Ryan (grade 8), McKenna Kanab (grade 5), and Magdalene Maciag (grade 5). The final two contestants – McKenna and Magdalene – continued on for another seven rounds before Magdalene was named the winner.  

“This is the second year in a row in which the top two spellers are both in fifth grade,” said Galway School Librarian Mrs. Amy Derwin who organized the competition.

Patty Matthews, representing the Galway Lions Club, awarded Galway Spelling Bee Champion Magdalene Maciag, from Mrs. Gribben's fifth grade class, a $50 Amazon gift card. Magdalene is now eligible to participate in the Capital Region Spelling Bee at Proctor's Theater in Schenectady on February 13, 2018 at 9 a.m.   

Special thanks to the Galway Lions Club for their incredible generosity and support. In addition to giving each contestant a $10 Amazon gift card, the Lion’s Club awarded a $25 Amazon gift card to Second Place Winner McKenna Kanaby from Mr. Johnson/Mrs. Palsgraf's class and a $20 Amazon gift card to Third Place Winner Jack Ryan.

Congratulations to all the contestants:

4th Grade:

Peregrine Perkins

Kyle Keehan

Marek Sherman

Tyler Friedman

Danielle Villano

5th Grade:

Mckenna Kanaby

Addelayde Ross

Chloe Zembsch

Hailey Reomoe

Magdalene Maciag

Sofia Davidson-Gauss

6th Grade:

Aiden Reekie-Mell

Colette McCleneghan

Morgan Ryader

Steven Monte

Adam Loya

Danielle Gabri

7th Grade:

Sydney Kress

Tom Villano

Molly Oravsky

Raelynn Cullen

8th Grade:

Kaya Horvath

Amanda McCray

Rosie Matceko-Conti

Brian Alden

Jack Ryan

Jordan Zuk

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