
Meeting Types

 Regular board meetings open to the public and media, are generally held at 6pm on the second Thursday of each month at the FLCS Administration Building.

 Special meetings, also open to the public and media, are held on call.

 Executive sessions, used for discussion of sites, litigation, negotiations, and personnel are closed. No action is ever taken by the board in any executive session.

Board Meeting Agenda

 The agenda serves as the framework for transactions of public business. Detailed information is provided by the Superintendent in advance of each meeting. The formal document, noting varied items of business, is posted at the FLCS Administration Building, as well at each school, and is forwarded to media representatives prior to any scheduled session. 

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular and Special sessions include all formal Board motions and formal Board actions. After being approved by the Board, Minutes become official and are open for inspection by the public.