Franklin Central School
Introduction: Please note that any and all aspects of this document are in draft form. It is the intent of the district to gather feedback and suggestions from all stakeholders as we piece together a living document. A strategic planning process can energize an organization around shared purpose, vision, and core beliefs. Clearly communicating performance targets, priorities and longer-term strategies help focus a district's resources, attention, creativity, and effort. The ultimate goal is to make Franklin Central School District the best it can be. The sharing of ideas among a variety of stakeholder groups within the district is at the core of what an innovative school district should strive to do. If we all continue to communicate, collaborate, and keep students at the heart of what we do, Franklin Central School District will be positioned for excellence in the years to come.
Vision: A key component of strategic planning is the development of a future vision. This vision is aspirational, reflects Franklin Central School District's intention, and helps position the organization to achieve its goals. A more strategic approach is being developed to move Franklin Central School District forward and toward the vision.
The vision states that Franklin Central School District will be a place where:
Students are challenged and excited about learning
Everyone feels safe and there is respect for all
Students are successful and become lifelong learners
The educational process will be:
Focused on students and achieving results
Based upon a combination of research, data, and experience
Enriched by communication and involvement with the community
Mission: The mission statement for Franklin Central School District explains its purpose. The mission concisely communicates the central purpose that encompasses all of the programs, services, and activities undertaken by the district.
The mission of the Franklin Central School District is to provide a quality education that will prepare our children to become responsible, successful citizens.
Themes: The themes to help guide the strategic planning process include, but are not limited to, the following:
Open and clear communications
Transparency in all aspects of Franklin Central School District operations and planning
The desire to maximize the potential of our students and district
Build trust among all stakeholders
Adapt and adjust to change
Strategic categories: The strategic categories for district planning include, but are not limited to the following:
- To ensure career and college readiness by actively engaging all students in a rigorous learning process and have them fully participate, manage, monitor, and take ownership of their own education
Family Engagement
- To implement approaches that allow for greater collaboration between our district, faculty/staff, and family members to benefit all students.
- To continue to gather input from all stakeholders to build a quality and comprehensive technology infrastructure with procedures and guidelines to implement new cost effective and reliable tools/resources that maximize learning.
- To promote wellness for all staff and students. We will work to create a system that teaches and prompts respect, dignity, pro-social behavior, and sound decision making practices that will not only result in a positive school culture, but will produce upstanding citizens and community members.
- To create a system of open and honest communication in which all stakeholders are informed in a timely manner, have the ability to ask questions and provide feedback/suggestions, and are updated on the status of ongoing issues as soon as information becomes available.
- To effectively manage our district finances to support the educational program while being mindful of economic trends in New York State, as well as the larger United States, and incorporating clear strategies to sustain our school over several years.
- To continue to gather input from all stakeholders and provide resources, tools, and training to maximize learning.
Buildings and Grounds
- To create a combination of both short and long term strategies that ensure the sustainability of our buildings and facilities over several years.
Food Service
- insist that our stakeholders' behavior models both polite and tolerant attitudes that result in a feeling of togetherness.
- To continue to have collaborative discussions, including local, state and federal law enforcement, about safety as a priority and communicate our updated plans/procedures to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all students and adults.
- To continue to provide safe and secure transportation to our students within the guidelines set by NYS and/or Federal government, with a focus on high efficiency and maximizing resources.
Implementation: This outline is currently in draft form as the district continues to gather feedback and suggestions from all stakeholders. Eventually, an implementation plan will be based on a continued commitment to clear and open communication and the active involvement of all stakeholders. It is recognized that the success of a multi-year plan will require teamwork, collaboration, priority setting, monitoring, and resource allocation. The Franklin Central School District Board of Education is ultimately responsible for the approval of a strategic plan and allocation of resources.
Resources: The following resources may be used to guide our strategic planning and/or provide evidence of growth.
Franklin CSD Board of Education Goals
Franklin CSD LINKS Team Goals
Franklin CSD Student Report Cards
Franklin CSD Technology Plan
Franklin CSD Wellness Policy
Franklin CSD Physical Education Plan
Franklin Community Educational Foundation documents
Franklin CSD Newsletters
Franklin CSD Parent/Teacher Conferences
Franklin CSD Annual Budget
Franklin CSD APPR
Franklin CSD PDP
Franklin CSD CTLE
Franklin CSD Building Condition Survey
NYS Report Card
NYS Regents Exam Results
NYS 3-8 Assessment Results
Star Reading and Math Scores
Engage NY
NYS Modules
BOCES Services and Resources
NYS Annual Budget
AVP Feedback
Student Referral Data
USDA Guidelines
NSLP Guidelines