What is a Teacher Residency?

  • A teacher residency consists of a rigorous full-year classroom apprenticeship for pre-service teachers with academic coursework that is closely aligned with such classroom experiences. In this type of program, Teacher Residents learn how to teach by working for an entire year alongside a highly trained, supported mentor teacher in the school district where the resident will eventually work. Teacher Residency programs require that candidates commit to teaching in the school for a minimum of three years.


Prepared to Teach on Day One

  • Framingham Teacher Residency is based on a residency model, already common around the nation, that equips new teachers to effectively lead classrooms in highly diverse areas. FTR is an AmeriCorps program providing support for a clinical teacher preparation program. Teacher-Residents start teaching from day one and continue to refine and improve their practice with immediate guidance from mentors. Created in 2022, FTR is a joint initiative between Framingham Public Schools and Framingham State University and aims to provide FPS students with high-quality bilingual education in areas such as Mathematics, the Sciences, Special Education, and Language Arts while honoring the school district's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

FTR Goals

  • Recruit bilingual teachers who can fulfill FPS’ need to develop further current dual-language programs.

    Offer a unique opportunity for people identified as BIPOC/ bilingual/ multilingual to become certified Secondary Education teachers.

    Increase the number of certified bilingual teachers in Sciences, Mathematics, English Language Arts, Portuguese and/ or Spanish Language Arts, and History.

Become a Teacher Resident

  • Get your teaching license in your desired subject area.

    Become a better teacher by improving your practice under the support of an experienced mentor.

    Become a more competitive candidate for different positions within FPS

    Increase your earning potential


  • Serve 180 days plus 20 days in FPS summer programs, for a total of 1,400 hours

    Receive at least 300 hours of training via FSU coursework in PBTL Secondary Education programs.

    Apply and complete the MTELs in a respective 5-12 subject matter knowledge; and

    Receive a three-year full-time contract with FPS.