Nurse's Office

  • School health programs supplement the efforts of the family and their physicians by providing an expanded health team consisting of school and health personnel. Framingham Public School nurses lead the way to advance health and support education by ensuring that students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. The school nurse is on site and available daily between 8:50am and 3:50pm.

    When should a student stay at home:

    • If your child has had vomiting or diarrhea; they should remain out of school for a minimum of 24 hours after vomiting/diarrhea has ceased
    • If your child has a fever of 100.0 degrees F or higher; they should remain out of school for 24 hours after the fever is gone without fever reducing medication (such as ibuprofen or tylenol)
    • If your child has been treated with an antibiotic for a contagious infection they need to be on an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school

    Medication Policy:

    Children should never carry medication in school. Only the school nurse can administer medication. Whenever possible, a child’s medication schedule should be arranged so that it may be taken at home.

    When children need to take medication during school, parents must bring the medication along with a completed medication order signed by both a parent and the child’s physician or dentist, to the school nurse. All medication-both prescription and over the counter must be in its original container (you may ask your pharmacist for a second bottle for school) and must be stored in the nurses’ office. Prescription medication must have the pharmacy label attached. New medication orders must be obtained at the start of each school year and expire on the last day of the school year. All medication not picked up on the last day of the school year will be destroyed.

    Over the counter medications including ibuprofen and tylenol, etc. can be given during the school day after the parent/guardian completes an OTC medication permission form. The form must be completed each school year. 

    Physical Exams:

    In accordance with the Massachusetts Department of public health regulations, reports of physical exams, including immunization records, are required for all kindergarten, new entrants, and all students in grades 4,7,and 10. If a medical reason precludes immunization, a physician’s written statement to this effect must be presented before the child is admitted to school; if there is a religious reason, a written statement must be submitted by the parent before admission.  Exemptions must be renewed annually.


    The Massachusetts Department of Public health regulations require that all iImmunizations must be up to date for students to attend school according to the ACIP recommended schedule. All students must receive the seasonal FLU vaccine yearly by December 31st.  New students entering between January 1 and March 31 must have received a dose of vaccine for the current flu season before entry. 

    Health Screenings: The  Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires screenings as follows:

    • Vision Grades K-5
    • Hearing Grades K-3
    • Postural Grade 5
    • BMI (height & weight) Grades 1 and 4

    Parents/guardians will be notified of any concerns or abnormal findings. 

    Here are some additional links to help us help the chilidren to make smarter & healthier choices: 

    1.    Snack Tips
    2.    Fun Games & Activities
    3.    Family Information 
    4.    Healthy School Snacks
    5.    Healthier School Day
    6.    Let's Move

Contact Us

  • Brigid Murray, BSN, RN
    Phone: 508-782-6602
    ax: 508-877-5436
