- Thayer Campus of FHS
- Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions
This course is project-based and quarterly-paced. Each quarter students work on a culminating project in one of four themes: nonfiction, creative writing, fiction, and argumentation. As students work on their project they also participate in lessons on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and communication skills. The supplementary lessons further enable the students to complete their chosen project. Work is adjusted to each students' needs, including preparing them for state testing where applicable.
Remediation in all English topics is available. This instruction is aimed at improving student performance in state mandated testing.
U.S. History
The course surveys American History. Units include examining the causes and effects of the American Revolution, Civil War, Great Depression, World War I, World War II and Vietnam Conflict on today's society.
The Science curriculum will help students investigate a variety of subjects such as:
Earth Science- An introductory course that examines geology, meteorology, topography, and atmospheric science concepts.
Astronomy- This electives course will study of the universe, galaxies, stars, and planets as perceived in the scientific view. Deep thought provocation on topics such as time/space/gravity/speed will introduce new ideas and concepts for students to ponder.Chemistry- This electives course will study the fundamentals of chemistry including: matter, gases, periodic table, chemical bonds, solutions and balancing chemical equations.Environmental Science and Activism- This electives course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of environmental science and engineering, and leads into some of the current issues and concerns of the modern 21st century.Africa- Known as the Dark Continent it might be more fitting to refer to it as the 'unknown continent'; rich in biodiversity and variant ecosystems, landscapes,and peoples. This electives course is designed to bring higher level ecology and zoology concepts to the students while touching into environmental science, topography and geography, and the inter-relationships all of these various sciences have with one another on a continent rich which life and an ever-changing landscape. Studies extend from the mainlands into the waters around Africa and eventually into Madagascar.MCAS Biology: This course is mandatory for all students who need to pass their High School Science MCAS exam still. Utilizing a universal design for learning approach (videos, readings, and research/experiment based learning built into units) students will find successful ways that work for them to prepare for and pass their future MCAS exams. With emphasis on 6 major units (What is Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution, and Body Systems) this full year course will help students pass and then move on to elective science choices.Mathematics
Basic Math- This course provides instruction, examples and practice in basic mathematics. Materials covered include: whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and measurements.
Algebra- Topics include exponents, formulas and problem solving.
Geometry- Area, perimeter, angles, planes, arcs and volume will be examined.
Consumer Math: Alongside the life skills curriculum, students will annually be able to complete their own personal 1040s (along with W-2 and W-4 usage) so as to acquire the skills (and hopeful refunds) that they are entitled to through their current and future employment and reduce any future cost that could involve. The computations and math behind their personal money experiences (credit cards, interest rates, etc) will also be addressed, explained, and practiced.
Remediation in all math topics is available. This instruction is aimed at improving student performance in state mandated testing.
Career Dynamics and Work Study
Examines work and career from an interdisciplinary perspective. It is designed to help students address issues of employ-ability, job interviews, resume writing, personal finance, entrepreneurship, advancement, careers, professional identity, teamwork, and other basic life skills criteria for success. This course aims to help students develop effective career strategies.
The Work Study program provides an opportunity for students to continue their education, gain valuable work experience, and earn credits towards graduation under school supervision.