In Person Learning Option

In Person Learning Image
    • Students will attend their assigned school in person
    • Wearing face coverings (masks) by students and staff will be mandatory.
    • Class schedules will be designed to minimize interaction
    • Limit large gatherings in communal spaces
    • 5-day a week schedule
    • Social-emotional supports provided
    • Students may transition to distance learning at anytime 
    • Parents must agree to mitigation measures and temperature/symptom check prior to sending students to school each day. 
    • Physical distancing measures enforced
      • Frequent handwashing
      • Students will be provided educational materials and lessons on hygiene and the importance of social distancing
      • Hand sanitizer available in classrooms
      • Schools will have physical distancing visual cues on floors
      • Student traffic flow will be minimized to avoid large groupings in areas
      • Classrooms will have modified layouts; desks facing forward with more spacing, students will be assigned desks
      • Desks/tables spaced apart
      • Shared materials restricted or disinfected
      • Grab-and-go breakfast and lunches 
      • Cohorts of students will remain together when possible
      • Recess scheduled by class
      • Signs and markers for physical distrancing displayed throughout the school
      • Water bottle stations installed
      • Students screened when arriving at school
      • Upgraded air filtration
    • Parents must schedule an appointment ahead of time with administration and registrars; no unscheduled visitors allowed on campus.
    • Clean and safe buildings
      • Cleaning supplies available for every classroom
      • Disinfection throughout the day and at night
      • Use of plexiglass in front office
      • Upgraded air filtration systems

Waiver Information

High School Plan

  • Bussing
    Students will be visually assessed by the bus driver for symptoms before entering

    Transportation may be denied if a student is visibly ill and the parent is present. If no parent is present, the student will be given a mask and separated until arrival at school

    Students will wear masks when riding the bus

    Students will be physically distanced as much as possible

    Staggered/controlled exit from bussing

    Visual checks for symptoms while exiting and arriving on campus

    Grab and go breakfast

    Required to socially distance on campus

    Staggered dismissal

    Social distancing enforced

    Bell Schedule
    Remain the same

    Staggered release times

    Grab and go lunches

    Multiple locations to pick up meals

    Strict social distancing measures

    Students in High School that are eligible for Off-Campus lunch will be permitted to leave.

    Athletics and after school activities will remain with social distancing measures

    All field trips are cancelled

    All in-person events (meet the teacher, parent-teacher conferences) will be held virtually

    Parent Expectations
    Signed affirmation form with expectations upon enrollment

    Daily temperature checks at home

    Follow health protocols if students has symptoms

K-8 Plan

  • Bussing
    Students will be visually assessed by the bus driver for symptoms before entering

    Transportation may be denied if a student is visibly ill and the parent is present. If no parent is present, the student will be given a mask and separated until arrival at school

    Students will wear masks when riding the bus

    Students will be physically distanced as much as possible

    Staggered/controlled exit from bussing

    Visual checks for symptoms while exiting and arriving on campus

    Grab and go breakfast

    Students will report directly to first hour classroom 

    Parents prohibited from getting out of their car during student drop off

    Staggered dismissal

    Social distancing enforced

    Bell Schedule
    Adjusted to mitigate traffic flow

    Recess scheduled by classes

    Teachers will move into classrooms when possible

    Cohorts of students will be kept together

    Meals delivered to classrooms by lunch staff and monitors

    Recess will be provided by class

    One classroom on the playground at a time

    Utilize Go Noodle or other movement in class time

    Doors propped open as students pass through

    Hand sanitizer upon entry back into building

    Athletics and after school activities will remain with social distancing measures

    All field trips are cancelled

    All in-person events (meet the teacher, parent-teacher conferences) will be held virtually

    Parent Expectations
    Signed affirmation form with expectations upon enrollment

    Daily temperature checks at home

    Follow health protocols if students has symptoms

  • Parents who are registering a new student to Florence Unified School District who wish to attend in-person click here to register.


    Confirm Choice for In-Person Option Here!
    English      Espanol