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A Summer of Growth: The East Rockaway Summer Climb Program

Students during East Rockaway's Summer Climb program. thumbnail260509

When the final school bell rings in June, signaling the start of summer vacation, many students eagerly anticipate long days of freedom and fun. Yet, for the students of East Rockaway School District, summer is also a time for exploration, creativity, and learning, thanks to the innovative Summer Climb program. This summer enrichment program, held at East Rockaway High School, offers a diverse array of classes designed to keep students from all grade levels engaged and stimulated throughout the month of July.

Under the welcoming roof of East Rockaway High School, students gather each weekday to dive into a variety of subjects ranging from STEM to cooking, art, writing, and fitness. The unique setup of housing all grade levels in one location fosters a sense of community and shared purpose. Younger students look up to their older peers, while high schoolers get the opportunity to mentor and inspire.

One of the highlights of this year's program was the cooking class, where students rolled up their sleeves and got their hands messy making pizza from scratch. They learned the science behind yeast and dough rising, the art of kneading, and the joy of creating their own personalized pizzas. This hands-on experience not only taught them valuable cooking skills but also instilled a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

Meanwhile, in the creative writing class, young women found their voices in HerStory. This special class focused on empowering female students through storytelling and personal essays. Under the guidance of their inspiring instructor, the girls explored themes of identity, resilience, and aspiration, crafting narratives that were both deeply personal and universally relatable. The supportive environment encouraged them to express themselves freely and confidently, fostering a community of young writers eager to share their stories.

The East Rockaway Summer Climb program serves a crucial role in combating the summer slide, a phenomenon where students lose some of the achievements they gained during the school year. By keeping minds active and engaged, the program ensures that students return to school in the fall ready to hit the ground running. Teachers and parents alike have noticed a smoother transition back to school, with students demonstrating retained knowledge and a rekindled enthusiasm for learning.

Beyond the academic benefits, the program also emphasizes physical fitness and creativity. Students participate in fitness classes that keep them active and healthy, while art classes allow them to explore their creative sides through various mediums. These diverse offerings ensure that every student can find something that excites and inspires them.

As the summer days unfold, the hallways of East Rockaway High School buzz with the energy and curiosity of students eager to learn and grow. The Summer Climb program not only enriches their summer but also plants seeds of lifelong learning and personal growth. By providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, East Rockaway School District ensures that their students do not merely pass through the summer but thrive in it.

Click here to view the A Summer of Growth: The East Rockaway Summer Climb Program slideshow.

Date Added: 8/7/2024

East Rockaway’s ESY Summer Program Delights Students with Enriching Activities

Students during East Rockaway’s Extended School Year (ESY) summer program. thumbnail260495
Students during East Rockaway’s Extended School Year (ESY) summer program. thumbnail260496
Students during East Rockaway’s Extended School Year (ESY) summer program. thumbnail260497

East Rockaway’s Extended School Year (ESY) summer program has provided students with a busy and enriching summer filled with a variety of engaging activities.

Elementary students had a memorable morning with Daisy the Therapy Dog. Each student took turns reading short passages to Daisy, who then performed tricks for the class, creating a fun and interactive learning environment.

The students also explored their community through a walking field trip. They visited the local library, bank, and antique store, gaining firsthand knowledge of East Rockaway. This experience inspired them to create a Love Where You Live mural, which will be displayed on a bulletin board at Rhame Avenue School to welcome all students returning in September.

Additionally, the students harvested homegrown carrots from the garden they planted at Rhame Avenue. They used these fresh ingredients to follow a recipe and make carrot cake, combining gardening and culinary skills in a delightful way.

Secondary students focused on improving their writing skills by penning letters to each other about their favorite activities in the summer program. To complement this activity, they went on a walking trip to the post office, applying their knowledge to the real-world process of sending letters.

In celebration of National Avocado Day, students developed their vocational skills by creating guacamole. They followed step-by-step directions and shared their delicious creation with other members of the ESY program, using the Cafe 217 format to enhance their social and practical skills.

The ESY summer program at East Rockaway has been a tremendous success, offering students a blend of educational and enjoyable experiences that will enrich their learning journey.


Date Added: 8/6/2024

Regents Review Academies

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Regents Review Academies begin this Thursday August 8th at East Rockaway High School and continue next week Monday-Thursday. Please see attached schedule for details.

Date Added: 8/5/2024


Summer newsletter now available!

Date Added: 7/29/2024


Board of Education Special Meeting Notice - July 30, 2024

Click here to view the livestream.

Date Added: 7/25/2024
