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“Catch a Reader or Writer” Summer Program

“Catch a Reader or Writer” Summer Program thumbnail260532

Look who was caught reading this week! Keep up the great work Ava Cassara (Grade 1, Bosti), Hunter Hall (Grade 2, Cherokee), James Hall (Grade 4, Cherokee) and Chloe Vasile (Grade 1, Duffield)!

Have you caught a reader or writer recently? Be sure to submit their photo, full name, grade as of September 2024 and school they will be attending in September to so we can celebrate them as part of our “Catch a Reader or Writer” summer program.

Date Added: 8/9/2024

Connetquot band marches into the 2024-2025 season

The Connetquot High School marching band. thumbnail260494

July 29 began the Connetquot High School marching band, kickline and color guard’s annual weeklong summer camp, preparing the 175 students for the school year’s many performances.

Led by band directors Greg Johnson and Stacy Stollberger, the student-musicians practiced their fall show titled, “T-Bird Land” for the year’s upcoming football games, homecoming and Newsday’s marching band festival. As part of the show, the students will be performing three songs, “Malagueña”, “Hey Pachuco” and “Bird Land”.

To close out the week on Aug. 2, students put on a special preview show for their parents, featuring student skits, a march-off and a preview of their fall show. For the skit portion, each section of instruments gave an improvisational performance, using marching techniques they learned throughout the week. The march-off determined who the best marcher was in each grade as well as in the band. Parent booster group, ORBBA, also provided ice cream for the musicians.

“We’re super proud that they worked so hard and are appreciative that they give up a week of their summer to do this,” Band Director Greg Johnson said. “I also want to thank the parents, Connetquot’s administrators and our board of education for supporting us and allowing us to do what we do. We’re excited for a great 2024-2025 school year.”

Click here to view the Connetquot Marching Band Camp 2024 photo slideshow. 


Date Added: 8/5/2024

Draft Code of Conduct

Date Added: 7/30/2024


Draft Districtwide Safety Plan

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9th Grade Orientation: August 27

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