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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

WP Art

Wood Park Art Program

Art plays an extremely important role for each student at Wood Park Primary School.  The New York State Standards in Education are incorporated into the art curriculum of the Commack School District.  Beginning with kindergarten and continuing through the second grade, the children explore the basic elements and principles of art which include line, color, texture, form and shape.  These elements are the basis for the projects that the students create.  We use a variety of materials and techniques in the art room, and by doing so, the children develop skills to use the different mediums. They also learn to make creative decisions based on the type of material being used.

Children are given the opportunity to express themselves in an environment that is conducive to exploring. This environment helps children to build self-esteem through independent work and cooperative groups.  The students are introduced to various artists, art styles and cultures throughout the school year.  They learn to make observations about artwork and begin to form opinions based on our discussions. 

The skills that the children develop are evident when we view their completed projects.  In the spring, artwork by each child is on display at the annual Wood Park Curriculum Night.