St. Catherine Health Care Internship Description
This 17 week program exposes students to various health careers within the St. Catherine’s nursing home and hospital setting. Each week there are different presentations from the departmental directors providing information about the duties
and responsibilities associated with their careers and the
educational background required to be trained in their
profession. Often the directors bring equipment and supplies
they customarily utilize in order for the students to obtain hands
-on experience. Some of the areas the students learn about are:
respiratory services, speech therapy, nutritional services,
pharmacy, maternal and child services, laboratory services,
medical services, nursing services, imaging services and patient
advocate services. This program runs once a week in the spring
semester from 5:00-6:30pm from mid January to mid May.
Additionally, students must intern an additional 30 hours on
their own time. The St. Catherine’s volunteer coordinator helps
you with scheduling these additional hours. Students must
provide their own transportation. Seniors receive preference
due to the limited openings. Grades are based on weekly
journals, timesheets, and projects. It is a requirement of St.
Catherine’s that all interns provide a proof of immunization, get
two PPD tests and a flu shot.