Elementary Level
The elementary mathematics standards encompass a variety of topics across several domains including Counting and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations with Fractions, Measurement and Data, and Geometry. These standards are designed to support students in building a solid foundation in mathematical concepts and skills that will serve as a basis for their future mathematical learning. The Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards can be found
Counting and Cardinality: Students learn to count, read, and write numbers. They begin to understand the relationship between numbers and quantity by connecting counting to cardinality.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Students begin with developing an understanding of addition and subtraction and representing and solving problems with these operations. In the intermediate grades, students build on this understanding to learn multiplication and division.
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten: Students work with numbers in the base-ten number system, which fosters an understanding of place value and connects this to properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Numbers and Operations with Fractions: Students develop an understanding of fractions as numbers, representing fractions on a number line and comparing them.
Measurement and Data: Students work with concepts of measuring , telling and writing time and representing and interpreting data.
Geometry: Students explore geometric shapes, their attributes, and relationships. They begin to understand the difference between two- and three-dimensional shapes.
Middle School Level
The middle level mathematics standards build upon the foundational concepts learned in elementary school while also delving into more advanced topics. The domains studied include Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, and Functions.
The Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards can be found
The Sixth Grade Curriculum Guide can be found
The Seventh and Eighth Grade Curriculum Guide can be found
Ratios and Proportional Relationships: Students work with ratios and rates to understand proportional relationships and solve problems involving percentages.
The Number System: Students extend their understanding of the number system to include positive and negative fractions, decimals and integers. Operations with rational numbers are explored and used to solve real-world problems.
Expressions and Equations: Students learn to write and interpret expressions, solve equations and inequalities and make connections between equations, tables, and graphs.
Geometry: Students explore geometric concepts including perimeter, circumference, area, and volume of shapes. They also work with angle relationships, transformations, and congruence and similarity of figures.
Statistics and Probability: Students interpret and summarize data sets, make inferences and justify their conclusions. Basic probability principles, experimental and theoretical probability are learned and connected to real-life.
Functions: Students begin to explore functions as the relationship between quantities and analyze them using different representations, which include tables, graphs, and equations
High School Level
The high-school level mathematics standards build upon the concepts learned in middle school while also delving into higher-level topics. The goal is to expose students to a cohesive and comprehensive framework for mathematics to ensure students are college and career ready. The Regents courses offered are Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. The domains studied include Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students must successfully pass one mathematics Regents to graduate with a Regents Diploma and all three Regents in order to graduate with an Advanced Regents Diploma. The Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards can be found
The high school offers an array of mathematics classes in order for every student to succeed. These classes include electives, Advanced Placement (AP) courses, International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, and dually enrolled College-level classes. All classes are explained in the High School Curriculum Guide, which can be found here.