Miss Sharon Heidgerken

My name is Miss Sharon Heidgerken.  I obtained my bachelor’s degree from Grand Canyon University. I have worked for Charlotte County Public Schools for nearly 8 years.  This is my second year of teaching at Punta Gorda Middle School.  I am so very excited to get to know your student and get this year started!

I was raised in LeClaire, Iowa, where I lived my entire life until I moved to Florida 8 years ago.  Every day that I wake up, I am so happy to be here!  I really do love living in Florida.  (And I don’t miss the snow!)  I have 3 grown children, Jackie, Jake, and Jaylan.   All of my kids have children of their own now.  I am a proud Grandma to 14 wonderful kids!  

I am very excited to be a part of such a wonderful school!  I know that you will find, as I have, that Punta Gorda Middle School is a place that is really dedicated to what is best for your student!

For any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me via email at Sharon.Heidgerken@yourcharlotteschools.net.  Thank you!