Mrs. Karen Brooks

Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts Soaring Eagles!

Dear students and parents,

My name is Mrs. Karen Brooks. I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I graduated from Alabama A and M University with a degree in Exceptional Student Education. I also earned certification in reading, ESOL, and English. I am the proud mother of one daughter, Kayla and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

I began my teaching career in Alabama and later moved to the east coast of Florida where I taught for seven years. After marriage, I moved to Charlotte County where I taught in the Adult Education program and later Punta Gorda Middle School.

After many years of teaching, I continue to have that passion and excitement for teaching and student learning.

I am looking forward to an exciting and safe school year.


Please see the following information to help you with your questions and concerns:

Lesson Plans

Please see my Lesson plans on the PGM Website. My plans will be updated weekly.


Course Resources

Textbooks have been ussued to each student, but they can be accessed online through the Classlink app MyHTW. Students will be given directions to access other resources online in the textbook.

Workbooks Close Reader and Performance Assessment have been issued to each student. Students will bring those workbooks to class when instructed.

Chromebooks are to be charged and brought to class daily along with pencils, loose leaf paper, 3 prong folder, and highlighters.


Google Classroom

Google Classroom assignments will be posted as needed and students will be instructed how and when to complete those assignments.

Students have been asked to record their codes in their planners.


Technological Help 

When there is a minor issue with Google Classroom or any other instructional technology, I will try to solve the problem. In the event it requires more specialized help the CCPS helpdesk will need to be contacted. 


Contact Information

Inschool contact:


(941) 575-5485 (8:25 - 9:00 or 10:10 - 10:50)

Virtual contact:

Email or Remind