• Welcome to the Centennial School District! 

    ¡Bienvenido al Distrito Escolar de Centennial! 


    At Centennial School District, we know registering a child for kindergarten is an exciting time for families! We also know it can also bring up a lot of questions, which is why we are hosting a Kindergarten Connect event on May 11, 2023 from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm at each Elementary Schools!

    Any child who will be five (5) years of age on or before September 1 is eligible to enroll for Kindergarten at their designated neighborhood school. Find your school here- Centennial School District Attendance Area Map/ School Locator

    Visit www.csd28j.org/registration with instructions on how to register for kindergarten online.  After submitting the online form, the school will contact you to complete the process. 

    All Kindergartners must have a completed 'Family Member Meeting Kindergartner' form. They can be found under Required Forms.

    Kindergarten Booklet (English)

    Kindergarten Booklet (Spanish

    Kindergarten Booklet (Russian coming soon)