• Future Business Leaders of America


    Adriann Hardin, FBLA Advisor
    Email: adriann_hardin@csd28j.org

    FBLA is the largest student-run business organization in the United States, with over 250,000 members between the ages of seventh grade through twelfth grade.

    Through this premier organization, students are able to prepare for careers in business, management, entrepreneurship, and information technology. 

    Every year, Centennial FBLA partners with a non-profit organization that embodies the issue chapter members feel need the most attention. Since 2014, they have been working with Food For Families.

    Food For Families

    This 501(c)(3) was started by Centennial FBLA members to begin a mobile food pantry/market in the community.  The mission of Food for Families is as follows: In a compassionate and dignified environment, Food for Families will gather, store, and distribute food at no cost to people in our community.  The program will focus on ‘community helping community’ while empowering individuals to become food secure through education and resources.  If you want free groceries, swing by on these service dates! Please bring grocery bags with you: