  • What is The Queers & Allies Club?

    We are a hub for the LGBTQ2SIA+ community at CHS (also referred to as the queer community) and our allies. 

    What do we do?
    The Q&A Club strives to educate the students, faculty, and staff at Centennial High School on issues surrounding gender and sexual identity. Our purpose is to create an environment where queer students and staff as well as their allies can feel safe, welcome, and loved for who they are. 
    What do we really do?
    • Talk about current socio-political/cultural developments that affect our community.
    • Make queer artwork for the school.
    • Watch videos, listen to music, eat snacks, and hang out.
    • Learn how to participate in activism (i.e. building our social network, collaborating with other organizations, writing to legislators and politicians, identifying and applying for grants, planning and implementing projects for our school!).
    What are our goals?
    Our mission is to take tangible steps toward a healthier and more inclusive culture for everyone at Centennial High School. The Q&A Club will accomplish this goal by creating a space for queer students to socialize, get support, and participate in activism.
    What are our current projects?
    • Menstruation Stations - free high quality period products in every classroom as well as places like the Nurse's Office, Counseling, Library, etc.
    • Advocating for more gender neutral, single stall restrooms on the CHS campus.
    • Securing grant money from the Oregon Department of Education to implement bigger projects.
    How can you join?
    Join us every Wednesday from 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM in Room 159. All are welcome and there's always something to do.