• Online Resources for Parents and Students

  • Literacy

    Kids Discover: Free, short non-fiction Quick Reads on fascinating science and social studies topics, in addition to downloadable longer lessons. http://www.kidsdiscover.com/parentresources/

    Reading Rockets: General information and resources about reading, including literacy activities for home, based on the Common Core State Standards.   www.readingrockets.com

    Time for Kids for Kids Online newspaper written for kids at kids’ reading levels. http://www.timeforkids.com/


    Technology / Online Safety


    Common Sense Media A collection of independent reviews, age ratings, and other information about all types of media for children and their families. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

  • Mathematics

    Khan Academy– Common Core Mathemat Common Core Mathemat Common Core Mathematics Exercises ics Exercises ics Exercises Thousands of new, interactive math problems aligned to The Common Core State Standards from K-12, focusing on conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application. Every problem includes hints and a step-by-step solution.https://www.khanacademy.org/commoncore

    Illustrative Mathematics: Detailed math tasks linked to Common Core State Standards in grades K-8. Each task includes a commentary section and solutions. https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/

    TenMarks – Math Practice Math Practice Math Practice An online math program for students to practice and master math concepts covered in grades 1 through 12, covering concepts as advanced as algebra and geometry. http://www.tenmarks.com/

    SFUSD Mathematics Department Click on “Families + Community” for lots of great links! www.sfusdmath.org

  • General Resources

    PBS Parents: Resources for parents to engage children in educational activities across all subject areas. http://www.pbs.org/parents/

    PBS Kids PBS Kids A free collection of many ELA and Math games, activities, and resources for students in grades 3- 8. http://pbskids.org/lab

    LearnZillion A learning platform that combines video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting. Each lesson highlights a Common Core standard. http://www.learnzillion.com

    Dare to Compare: Civics, Economics, Geography, History, Mathematics, and Science questions at the 4th, 8th, or 12th grade levels. Answers are given, as are comparisons with responses from countries around the world. http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/eyk/

    Khan Academy: A free online collection of more than 4,000 short video lessons stored on YouTube teaching almost all subject areas.www.khanacademy.org/ 

  • Computer Building Skills for Smarter Balanced Assessment

    E-Learning for Kids/Computer Skills Learning for Kids/Computer Skills Learning for Kids/Computer Skills – Typing A global nonprofit foundation that’s dedicated to providing children ages 5- 12 with fun, free online learning. http://www.e-learningforkids.org/computer-skills

    TypingWeb –free online typing tutor & keyboarding tutorial for typists of all skill levels. TypingWeb includes fun typing games, typing tests, and free official typing certification. http://www.typingweb.com

    SBAC Achieve the Core A growing collection of high-quality tasks and assessment questions in ELA and Math, aligned to the Common Core State Standards. http://achievethecore.org/

    Practice SBAC Sample Items Online Practice Online practice test questions presented just like the actual test. Use of the FireFox browser is recommended for this link. https://sampleitems.smarterbalanced.org/itempreview/sbac/index.htm

    SBAC Student Pretest Practice Released shortened practice tests for all subjects and all grades. Leave as the default guest login and follow steps to find your practice test of choice. https://sbacpt.tds.airast.org/student/