• Fire Alarm Systems

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 7/14/2022 10:00:00 AM

    Progress on safety and security projects at our schools continues throughout the summer, which includes new fire alarm systems at five of our schools: Oliver Middle School and Meadows, Parklane, Patrick Lynch, and Powell Butte elementary schools. Thanks to the community’s support of the 2020 Bond, these fire alarm system upgrades will continue to support safety and security at these schools. 

    worker repairing a fire alarm system

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  • Window Replacement at Oliver Middle School

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 7/7/2022 10:00:00 AM

    As part of the Oliver Middle School conversion, windows are being replaced in all classroom and office areas. These new windows will result in improved weather resistance and greater energy efficiency. Operable panes will still be a part of the window system to support airflow and ventilation. Thank you, voters, for supporting the 2020 Bond that’s supporting the Oliver Middle School conversion and other bond projects across the district.

    window replacement

    workers replacing windows

    window replacement

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  • Enhancing Safety and Security at Our School Sites

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 7/1/2022 9:00:00 AM

    Various safety and security updates are happening across the district this summer. The 2020 Bond supports the creation of “secure vestibules” at school sites that don’t currently have one. These vestibules create a more secured space at the building’s entrance, resulting in greater safety and security. In this photo below, you’ll see construction occurring at Centennial Middle School to construct a secure vestibule and canopy at their front entrance. For a complete list of the various safety and security projects happening at each of our school sites, visit www.csd28j.org/2020Bond, scroll down to “Projects for Each School”, and click on the school. 

    construction equipment digging up front entrance in front of middle school


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  • Mechanical Upgrades Continue Across the District

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 6/21/2022 9:15:00 AM

    Thanks to our community’s support of the 2020 Bond, mechanical work continues in an effort to create more comfortable spaces for our students and staff, and greater energy efficiency throughout the Centennial School District. The District has hired many local contractors to perform mechanical repairs and system controls replacement across the district. Pictured below is mechanical work at Powell Butte Elementary where a new digital controls system, along with work on the mechanical system, will improve temperature regulation and ventilation levels. Additionally, it will improve efficiency in the long term for maintenance personnel who will be able to better diagnose performance issues. 

    two workers investigating the mechanical system

    worker pointing at a pipe on the mechanical system to another worker


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  • Bond Oversight Committee Meets to View and Discuss Bond 2020 Progress

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 6/16/2022 10:00:00 AM

    On Monday, June 13, 2022, Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) members met to review the progress of the 2020 Bond. The group started their meeting with tours of Pleasant Valley Elementary, Meadows Elementary, and the soon-to-be Oliver Middle School. After touring the three schools, they met to discuss a series of updates on topics such as grants, budget, community engagement, and the status of various projects. To learn more about the BOC’s role, review their meeting materials, and more, visit www.csd28j.org/BOC.

    bond oversight meets in front of Pleasant Valley ElementaryBond Oversight Committee tours the Meadows Elementary gym project

    Bond Oversight Committee tours Oliver Bond Oversight Committee tours inside of Oliver's media center

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  • Oliver’s Media Center Nears Completion

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 6/10/2022 8:15:00 AM

    The new media center at Oliver Middle School is nearing completion. With newly painted walls, bookcases and circulation desk now installed, and hung ceiling, the space is coming together nicely! Flooring arrives this week and furniture will arrive towards the end of June.

    The media center renovations are part of Oliver's conversion into a middle school beginning in fall 2022. We’re thankful for our community’s support to make this and other school construction projects possible! 

    photo a renovated library with newly installed bookcases and painted walls

    library space undergoing renovation work with new bookshelves and library desk

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  • Pool Repairs Continue at Centennial High School

    Posted by Kassie Swenson on 6/2/2022 1:00:00 PM

    We’re excited to see the progress being made on the Centennial High School pool repairs! Now that the replacement of the plumbing systems under the pool has been completed and inspected, the contractor poured the concrete pool shell. After the curing of the concrete and waterproof membrane, they will begin setting the tiles. We'll continue to keep you updated on the pool repairs and other bond projects here on our blog.


    workers pouring concrete of new pool shell

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  • Seismic Upgrade Work at Pleasant Valley Elementary School

    Posted by Allison Macy-Steines on 5/26/2022 8:00:00 AM

    Pleasant Valley Seismic WorkThanks to the $2.5 million Oregon Seismic Improvement Grant that Centennial was awarded, seismic upgrade work has started in the basement at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. Most of what’s happening now is preparation work, as shown in the photo below. 

    Once school is dismissed for the summer, new rigid plywood and shear walls will be installed at both floor levels. Also, additional anchors will be placed to further connect the floors, walls, and roof together. This summer is also when the brick replacement on the exterior of the building will begin. We’ll continue to keep you updated as the construction progresses! 

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  • Progress continues at Four Elementary School Gyms

    Posted by Allison Macy-Steines on 5/19/2022 8:30:00 AM

    Gymnasium work at the four elementary school sites continues to move forward. Meadows and Patrick Lynch have gone vertical with metal framing and structural wall sheathing. Parklane recently received a concrete pour for the gym slab.

    Powell Butte encountered multiple abandoned septic tanks that are being decommissioned. Formwork is expected to start for the gym foundation in late May.

    We’ll continue to keep you updated on the progress of the four new elementary school gyms. Thanks so much to the community’s support for making this possible! For more 2020 Bond updates, visit: www.csd28j.org/2020bondupdates.

    PB Gym Work

    Parklane Gym Work

    Patrick Lynch Gym Work

    Meadows Gym Work


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  • Centennial High School Pool Repairs In-Progress

    Posted by Allison Macy-Steines on 4/28/2022 11:30:00 AM

    CHS Pool ConstructionPool repairs have started at Centennial High School! These repairs include draining the main pool area and saw-cutting the shell to perform selective demolition in order to replace the pump and drain lines. The pool will receive a restored shell with a ceramic tile finish for improved water-tightness and overall extended longevity with accent colors to promote school spirit. The diving board and starting stands will be replaced with OSAA compliant equipment. 

    In addition, the mechanical lines, pumps, filtration systems and mechanical room ventilation will be upgraded and/or replaced for improved water quality and safety. New LED lighting will be provided overhead and around the perimeter. The surrounding pool deck will be repaired and coated with an anti-slip coating for improved safety. Colored accent tiles for the pool perimeter have been selected and ordered. The pool is currently scheduled to be completed by early Fall. 

    Thanks to the community’s support for making this possible! We are so excited for this updated space to be available for our students and the community to enjoy. 

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