• McKinley/BVA/Choices Junior/Senior Prom 2023

    Krassas Event Center/St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church
    251 25th Street NW
    Canton, Ohio 44709

    Saturday, May 6, 2023,  7pm-10pm

    Cost: $30 per ticket
    Includes dancing, light appetizers, & event favor 

    Music By:  SmoothBeats

    Live Red Carpet Interviews:  Lucas Live

    Ticket Sales: April 24 - 28, 2023

    Ticket Sales will close on Friday, April 28th at 1:00PM

    No tickets will be sold outside of lunch periods!
    (BVA/Choices students can purchase tickets from Ms. Ohman in the BVA main office.)

    Who can Attend: 

    Juniors and Seniors listed in good standing with McKinley High School, Bulldog Virtual Academy and Choices are invited to attend this year’s prom. (See criteria below.)
    Students may bring one guest.  If the guest is ‘out-of-district’, please complete the PROM PERMISSION SLIP FOR OUT OF DISTRICT STUDENT/GUEST.  
    The use and possession of a controlled substance and/or alcoholic beverages is strictly forbidden. 
    No re-entry is permitted. 

    Prom Criteria

    McKinley Students: Students must have a “C” or higher for the fourth nine weeks if they earned an “F” third nine weeks in any course required for graduation.  (All grades will be verified by the counselor prior to purchase of ticket/s.)  If a senior is working on credit recovery, the student must have no more than two classes remaining for completion. 

    BVA Students: Students must be at 70% or more completion of their online courses. 

    Choices Students: Students must be in good academic standing with at least 80% attendance for the fourth nine weeks (unless they have completed their ILP)

    *The administration also reserves the right to deny ticket sales based on behavior.