• The Canton City School District has developed policies that focus on the right of pupils and the right to participate in academic, athletic, and any other extra-curricular activities without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or disability. In accordance with all federal, state, and local laws, Canton City School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, genetic information (collectively, "Protected Classes"), or any other legally protected category, in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities (in accordance with Policies #3122 for certified staff and #4122 for classified staff).

    Section 504 Coordinator:

    Lori Nickels, Director of Special Education 330-438-2635 nickels_l2@ccsdistrict.org

    Title IX Coordinators:

    Deidre Stokes-Davis, Director of Human Resources 330-438-2571 stokesdavis_d@ccsdistrict.org

    Jason Dixon, Assistant Superintendent 330-580-3041 dixon_j@ccsdistrict.org

    305 McKinley Ave NW, Canton, OH 44702