Mission Statement

  • Qualified individuals with handicaps in the Caldwell County School System will not be excluded from the participation or denied the benefits of a education.

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the rights of persons with handicaps in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance.  Section 504 protects the rights not only of individuals with visible disabilities but also those with hidden disabilities.



Section 504 Explanation

  • What are Section 504 Disablilites that might limit one or more major life activities?  They include such conditions and diseases as, but not limited to:
    • Diabetes
    • Allergies
    • Visual needs
    • Hearing Loss
    • Heart Disease
    • Chronic Illness
    • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    • Neurological Complications-brain injuries
    • Epilepsy


    For more information or if you fill your child meets one of these needs please contact your School Principal, School Counselor, or a 504 Representative at your child's school.
     Jill Duffy, 504 Coordinator for Caldwell County Schools, may be reached at The Education Center, by calling (828)728-8407 ext. 140174 or via email at jduffy@caldwellschools.com