Child and Family Support Teams

  • What is the School-Based Child & Family Support Team (CFST) Initiative?

    • It’s goal is to eliminate barriers and reduce risk factors that may keep children from being successful.
    • It is a statewide pilot program developed through the leadership of the Office of the Governor
    • The 2005 Appropriations Act provides legislative authority and funding for this school- based initiative

    What does a Child & Family Support Team Do? (CFST)

    A CFST is comprised of a full-time school social worker and full-time registered nurse at the designated school site. Their primary responsibilities are:

    • Identify and assess unmet physical, social, legal, emotional and developmental factors that affect academic performance
    • Help families develop teams of family and community members who are committed to the child’s success
    • Facilitate Child & Family Team Meetings
    • Provide student and family support services at school and at home

    What are the goals of the Child and Family Support Team? 

    • Support and build upon the strengths, assets and preferences for each child and family
    • Include parents as partners in the care and education of their children
    • Improve the lives of children so they will achieve academic success and remain in their own homes
    • Coordinate services with community agencies

    The Referral Process 

    • Referrals can be made by anyone concerned about a child who attends a school with a Child and Family Support Team
    • Students and Families can refer themselves
    • Upon referral, the CFS Team with discuss concerns with the family and an assessment will be completed to determine what services will be needed to best promote success.

    What is a Child and Family Plan?

    It is a coordinated service plan developed with the family that lists what is needed, what is expected, and who will be responsible for what.

    • It may exist along with other student plans such as the...
    • Individual Education Plan (IEP)
    • Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP)
    • Individual Health Plan (IHP)
    • Other community agency plans

    The Child & Family Support Team may include any of the following. 

    • Students & Families
    • Family Support Systems (Relatives, friends, faith community, etc.)
    • School Administration, Teachers or other staff
    • Mental Health Agencies
    • Caldwell County Department of Social Services (DSS)
    • Caldwell County Public Health
    • Department of Juvenile Justice
    • Local physicians or other medical professionals

     Who are the Child and Family Support Team Members at your school?

    Gamewell Elementary
    Kelly Matthews- Social Worker
    Michele Gibbs- School Nurse

    Gamewell Middle School
    Alexis Holt- Social Worker
    Angela Proffit- School Nurse

    West Caldwell High School
    Ashley McKinney- Social Worker
    Hayley Penley- School Nurse

    Whitnel Elementary
    Kim Jones- Social Worker
    Margaret Sides- School Nurse

    CFST- Duke Evaluation Center Website