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EC Mythbusters Q & A

  • EC Mythbusters (Edition III)

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    If a parent agrees to a meeting and does not show up, are you allowed to hold the meeting anyways? I am asked about this situation often and thought it may help others to hear how it should be addressed with the parent.

    From Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities: p. 80 Conducting an IEP meeting without a parent in attendance. A meeting may be conducted without a parent in attendance if the public agency is unable to convince the parent(s) that they should attend. In this case, the LEA must keep a record of its attempts to arrange a mutually agreed on time and place, such as (1) Detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted and the results of those calls; (2) Copies of correspondence sent to the parent(s) and any responses received; and (3) Detailed records of visits made to the parent’s home or place of employment, if appropriate, and the results of those visits. If the parent agrees to the meeting and does not show up, thorough documentation is needed. However, mulitple attempts at geting parents to come to a meeting is necessary in order to prove that the LEA was unable to convince the parent to attend. It is always best practice to begin preparations from meetings well in advance of the deadline so that if parents do not show up, you have time to offer them another time to come in. Best practice is to always have parents in attendance.

    Parent comes into school and tells teacher that the Dr. said the (EC) student needs to get OT/PT services. How should a teacher handle this situation?

    The need for addiitonal data is determined by the IEP team. An outside agency can not make a referral for services. However, the timeline for responding to a notification made by person other than parent or LEA is within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notification of concerns regarding a child. The LEA shall issue a written response to the child’s parent. The response shall include either an explanation of reasons the LEA will not pursue the concerns or a date for a meeting in which the LEA and parent will review existing data and determine whether a referral for consideration of eligibility for special education is necessary. Such meeting must be held within a reasonable time.The IEP team should consider information provided by outside agencies when making decisions with regards to services, but the team makes the final decision based on the following information from Policies Governing Services for Students with Disabilities: p. 63 (a) General. A public agency must ensure that the timely reevaluation for each child with a disability is conducted in accordance with NC 1503-2.5 through NC 1503-3.5 (1) If the LEA determines that the educational or related services needs, including improved academic achievement and functional performance, of the child warrant additional evaluation data; or (2) If the child’s parent or teacher requests additional evaluation data.

    What is required when a student moves in from another county/district in NC?

    Here is the process for when a student with a current IEP moves in to CCS from another NC LEA.

    Resource: Flow Chart

    What is required when a student moves into CCS from out of state with a current IEP?

    Out of state transfer process.

    Resource: Out of State Transfer Flow Chart

    What is the process for when students move to or from homeschool or private school?

    Transfer To or From Home/Private School Process

    Resource: Letter to Parents upon Transfer to Home/Private School

    How do I complete an IEP meeting through a phone conference?

    How to complete a Teleconference

    Resource: Teleconference Flow Chart

    How to I add or delete transportation as a related service?

    How to Add or Delete Transportation as a Related Service

    Resource: Transportation Evaluation Form

    When do I need to get a surrogate parent?

    A surrogate parent must be appointed when no parent can be identified; (1) the LEA is unable to locate the parent's whereabouts; or (2) the parents' rights have been legally terminated by the court and the child is in the custody of an agency or individual who does not meet the definition of parent, such as a therapeutic foster parent. A surrogate is not necessary when one of the following is available: a biological or adoptive parent of the child; a foster parent, a guardian authorized to act as the child's parent or authorized to make educational decisions; an individual or relative with whom the child lives or who is legally responsible for the child's welfare; or a court appointed surrogate. The biological or adoptive parent is always the first consideration unless his/her parental rights or rights to make educational decisions for the child have been terminated. If there is a question about parental rights, the LEA has the responsibility to seek clarification of parental status, and if necessary, request a copy of the court decision. If the individual appointed by the court as the surrogate or guardian of the child who has been removed from the home meets the IDEA requirements for a surrogate, the LEA may appoint the individual as a surrogate parent. If they meet the IDEA requirements for surrogates, guardians ad litem appointed by the court may be appointed as surrogates for students who are removed from the home and placed in nonsecure custody or the custody of a county department of social services. Employees of state agencies involved in the education or care of the child, such as the LEA, DSS, DHHS, group home employees, and therapeutic foster parents may not be appointed as surrogates. Surrogate parents should have the knowledge and skills to learn the policies and represent the child. Consider their knowledge and skills when determining whether to appoint the staff of emergency shelters, independent living programs, and street outreach programs as temporary surrogates until another more qualified surrogate can be appointed. The surrogate parent may sign all documents that a parent might sign and may file a petition for due process on behalf of the child. Incarcerated parents may or may not have educational rights. Do not assume their rights to make educational decisions have been terminated. In these cases, the LEA has the responsibility to seek clarification of parental status. Participation in meetings can occur through alternative means such as a phone conference. LEAs are responsible for appointing and training surrogate parents. In recruiting surrogates, consider retirees, educational sororities, members of local churches, and parent volunteers in the community.
    From Guiding Practices, p. 149

    What is the last day to add/change a student's testing accommodation for the 2017-2018 school year?

    Per Craig Bryson, Director of Accountability & Technology in Caldwell County Schools, the last day to add/change testing accommodations for the 2017-2018 school year is April 28, 2018.

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