

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Andrea Mangum (Ms. Andy)

Welcome! My name is Mrs. Mangum, but I go by Ms. Andy. I'm a graduate of Norwich University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and a graduate of Liberty University, earning a Master of Art in Teaching.  I have 32 years of experience in International Business, Marketing, Project Management (PMP) and Community Outreach (for military members and their families).  I'm excited to meet my new students and support them as they grow in business, marketing and 21st Century skills. 


  • Semester 1                                                                         Semester 2

    1st Period: Hospitality & Tourism                      1st Period: Planning

    2nd Period: Planning                                                  2nd Period: Business Essentials

    3rd Period: Marketing                                               2nd Period: Business Essentials

    4th Period: Marketing                                               4th Period: Marketing  

Contact Information

  • Mrs. Andrea Mangum (Ms. Andy)


Semester 2 Curriculum Video

  • Week at a Glance Assignments: Parents and students can see the "Week at a Glance"  by going to Canvas. 

    The homepage is all the upcoming assignments separated into weekly sections by dates.

    All assignment submissions are done in Canvas.