

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Emma Hendley


I am excited about the 2022-2023 school year here at NCHS. Within Equine Science, we will be hands-on with the horses, learning about animal husbandry, digestion, reproduction and more!  Additionally, if your student is interested in pursuing a career within the equine industry, we will be researching those avenues. As for Animal Science, we will be analyzing different cuts of meat, the economic impact of the animal industry, and how to appropriately feed the animals. I am looking forward to working with you this semester! 


You will be able to access specific information about the course through Canvas. 



  • 1st Period: Equine Science II

    2nd Period: Animal Science I 

    3rd Period: Planning 

    4th Period: Animal Science I

Contact Information

  • Mrs. Emma Hendley
