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Mrs. School Nurse
If your student will need an as needed or scheduled medication in the nurse’s office, a medication authorization/order will need to be on file for this current school year. Your student may possibly need a care plan and or diet order if they have any of the following diagnoses: Asthma, Severe Allergies, Seizures, and/or Diabetes. If you are unsure or have any questions about a medication order please, reach out to me directly. ALL students should have up to date immunizations on file for school attendance. If this is your child's first year enrolled in a North Carolina School, they must by law have a NC Health Transmittal form completed, a copy of a physical exam via "My Chart" is not an acceptable substitution. School health forms/documents can be found https://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/Page/1044
Immunization Requirements
Every student attending school in North Carolina must receive the following immunizations at the age required by law. The parent must provide the immunization record to the school no later than 30 days after the child starts. The following is a list of the minimum immunization requirements:
5 DPT/DTaP/DT 5th dose not required if 4th dose given on or after 4th birthday
4 Polio 1 dose must be after 4th birthday
1 HIB Given or or after 1st birthday and before 5th birthday. Not required after 5th birthday
2 MMR 1st dose given or or after 1st birthday
3 Hepatitis B 3rd dose not to be given before 24 weeks of age
2 Varicella
ATTENTION KINDERGARTEN PARENTS: All Kindergarten students are required by law to have a Health Assessment performed no more than 12 months prior to the date of school entry.